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On January 24, 2017, Dr Jean-luc Doumont of Principiae, a communications consulting firm that specializes in technical fields, will be delivering two lectures for the WHOI community. –Making the most of your presentation, 10 am – 12 pm, Redfield Auditorium, WHOI  -Persuading others, 1:30 – 3:30 pm, Redfield Auditorium, WHOI  Dr. Doumont will describe how to design,…

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Last year, Dr. Jean-Luc Doumont of the Principiae Team offered an engaging workshop on presentation skills to the Woods Hole community. Close to 100 students and faculty from Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole Research Center and the Marine Biological Laboratory attended. Thanks to the WHOI Directorate and Communications Department, he returned to Woods Hole on January…

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A presentation by graduate students from Harvard University’s Graduate School of Design focusing on the wet world of oceans, asking, how are we shaping it, and how is it shaping us. Inland or offshore, water surround us all. Yet, as liquid landscape, the ocean represents a glaring blind spot in our field of urban vision. Catastrophic events…

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On January 28, close to 100 people from WHOI, the Marine Biological Laboratory, and the Woods Hole Research Center gathered in Redfield auditorium to attend a lecture by Dr Jean-luc Doumont of Principiae, a communications consulting firm that specializes in technical fields. In the two hour lecture on creating effective presentation slides, Dr Doumont described…

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Sponsored by the MIT Office of the Dean of Graduate Education, BIG and the WHOI Student Organization have teamed up for a new seminar series for graduate students at MIT and WHOI to learn about professional and personal topics in one lecture. With this, we hope that students come to appreciate a diversity of life paths and…

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On Thursday, August 1, 35 students from MIT and the MIT-WHOI Joint Program gathered for Common Goods: Policy-making amidst a sea of possibilities. Four panelists included Dr. Nicholas Ashford, MIT Professor of Technology and Policy. Dr. David Cash, MA Commissioner of Public Utilities, Lynne Hale, director of The Nature Conservancy’s Global Marine Initiative, and Dr. Porter Hoagland at WHOI’s Marine Policy Center.…

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The Broader Impacts Group joined forces with MIT/WHOI Joint Program representatives to sponsor a pizza and bowling night at Trade Center Bowl in Falmouth. The event had a great turnout of incoming and current graduate students, including the MIT Graduate Student Council President.  BIG representatives disseminated information about the nature of the group and how…

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Communicate important science! Do crafts, look through microscopes and cuddle giant microbes! The Broader Impacts Group (BIG) will be doing demonstrations and activities at the New England Aquarium on World Oceans Day. Our booth “Making the Invisible Visible: The Secret, Bizarre, and Amazing World of Plankton” is complete with giant microbe plush toys, microscope demonstrations,…

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