October 17, 2018
Attendance: Mai Maheigan, Kayleah Griffen, Dina Pandya, Stephanie Madsen
#1 STF Website – It takes a lot of work to create a new website – thanks to the team for making it happen – Dina, Mai, Helen and summer intern!
- Launch of new STF website expected for November 9th, 2019
- STF Members – please review the new website after launch and send us screen shots of things that need to be fixed. Thanks!!
- Collect photos at events and send to hharding@whoi.edu (she’ll save in the media library)
- Type up a blog post about event you’ve attended (All..if interested!)
- Add events to the Google Calendar that is linked to the website (let me know if you need editing rights – email smadsen@whoi.edu)
# 2 WSS Events - looking for volunteers to sponsor new social events; lawns games, hikes, bike rides etc
- Fieldtrip to Compost With Me facility postponed due to heavy rains. New date tbd
- Hike Long Pond – Nov. 18th from 10:00am- Noon. Meet at Goodwill Park (Gifford Street entrance-0.3 miles down at bigger parking lot)
- Schedule new events – tour of Peterson Farm, plan next carpooling event, lunch and learns (T3C Land Trust – local trails?)
- Reschedule Compost With Me Feildtrip
- Ice skating night (Cassia)
#3 Green It Forward Program – We discussed concept of the program.
- Add GIF program to website
- Create award gift options (Helen – done!)
#4 Electric Vehicle Charging Station Update (EV Make Ready Program) - Installation is underway at 2 new locations - 2 ports at School St. Lot + 2 at Clark (front parking lot by MRF path)
- Add new location details on STF website (SM or HH)
- Email EV drivers about new sites (SM)
#5 New Business
- Alternative Energy options for Field Techs – solar panels on moorings for example and other applications. Wind on boats.
- Talk to techs who use and install solar panels on moorings- they may be able to help (SB + KG)