September 24, 2009
Liz Caporelli, Valerie Caron, Dina Pandya, Lea Poisson, Paul Avery, Kim Grodzki, Dave Derosier, Holly Moeller, Pat Lake, Jonathan Murray, Ron Reif
Agenda: review Green Teams Charge, Tips, and Plan
Add Pat and Jonathan to Transportation Green Team and Pat in Energy Green Team
Energy Green Team: Charge, Tips, and Plan as posted on the website
- Holly: suggested that we not only give a WHOI green sheet to new employees but we also give it to existing employees. Team will work on a plan to get this information out to the WHOI community.
Waste Green Team report
Reviewed current activities:
- First Goal: review what is on facilities home page
- update information, have links to STF page and make the information more user friendly
- Second Goal: Update guidelines and distribute to WHOI community
- Make sure everyone has a recycle container
- Tips: keep the recycle bin easy accessible
Dave will email other tips
- Suggest that purchasing to buy only recycle copy paper, not great for copiers
- Marking boxes for not just trash
- Work on recycling of plastic and another materials
- Lea: Alternative chemical usage information from MIT
- greener chemical alternatives.
- Ron & Lea are planning on sending this information out in WHOI headlines
- Ron: collection containers in Challenger for MIS to assist with UPS maintenance.
Group Discussions on ways to reduce paper use:
- Reduce paper distribution by sending only paper copies for administration to post
- See who is the point of contact in each dept.
This task could fall under Communication Green Team to target the reduction of paper information that is distributed and promotional material within and outside WHOI
- ask someone from Mail services about mailings
- recommend green products be purchased and encouraged (compostable coffee cups, recycled paper, UPSs with replacement batteries)
- Educate and encourage replace parts of your equipment/UPS not the whole unit
Jonathan: presented information on collecting data on computer energy use, cost, ideas for saving and how to collect data on computer energy use. Jonathan has written a program to assist with assessing the energy use of computer systems.
Next meeting: Oct. 22, 2009 11:10 a.m. Clark 201
Presenter from Sage Environmental Solutions, contact Mary Murphy
Alternate agenda if there is time or the presenter is not available:
During the 8/27 meeting we asked that Green Teams have a list of (recommended) tasks for next meeting including the following:
Green Teams meet
- Review individual charges along with the following:
- Bring a Tip to the next meeting
- Bring an outline/action plan for your team
- Review the checklist for your team area
- On 10/22 we will review the following Green Teams:Transportation, Food and Water, Purchasing
- Communication Team will present announcement for STF for comment
- Update on Gov. Green Energy Challenge
- Update on WHOI past and present sustainability efforts
- Other items…