September 19, 2018
Attendance: Ann Devenish, Stephanie Madsen, Holly Wilson, Sebastien Bigorre, Alex Bocconcelli, Cassia Armstrong
#1 Demand Response Events in Summer - Ship Energy Update
- Steph and Sarah met with Ship Ops team to discuss energy reductions. Very positive response – the Ship Ops team has agreed to get ships off shore power during a demand event during future summers. This can save the Institution up to $120,000 per year in added utility demand costs.
- The Demand Response Event was on August 29th, from 5:00-6:00 pm How did we do? A: great (should be less than 400 kw because no UNOLS ships were in port at the time, and the Alucia went on gen power).
- Forward CES’s Demand Event email warnings to Ship Ops team – Sarah Fuller, Tim Twomey, Eric Benway, Dutch Wegman and Chief Mate of ship in port.
# 2 WSS Events - We discussed future events and the need for volunteers to sponsor new social events; lawns games, hikes, bike rides etc
- The Sea Around Us Celebration- Sat + Sunday, Sept 15 +16 (we have 10 volunteers). Huge success, especially the Anything But a Boat Race. The WHBA raised $830 towards a water filling station/kiosk potentially slotted to be installed at Waterfront Park.
- EV Fair – Thursday, Sept 20th 10:00-1:00 Clark Lobby. Lots of people attended and we’ve already seen 2 EV cars purchased several weeks post the event.
- Clean Commute Day, Friday, Sept 21. Free Breakfast at tennis Court 7:30-10:30. 44 people registered for event; there are also 55 new WHOI members to Bay State Commute app, with 50% increase just this year. It was a gorgeous day and lots of bikers, walkers and carpoolers stopped by the picnic table for bagels, fruit and coffee. Cape Cod Bagel catered and offered a ZeroWaste event by providing re-usable dishes, baskets and compostable cups.
- Sheep at Peterson Farm Lunch n Learn- October 12th at 12:15 Carriage House Smith Conf Room
- Recruit volunteers for next year’s Sea Around Us/Boat celebration (SM)
- Schedule an EV Fair every year (SM + SB)
- Schedule Green Commuting Events quarterly (SB + SM)
- We are looking for testimonials from participants to the Commute Challenge who carpooled, biked, etc
- Volunteer to lead hikes, bike rides etc (ALL)
#3 STF Website – we plan to transfer Website content to a WordPress page
- Steph, Dina + Mai are meeting October 9th meet to finish moving items over and add pictures.
- Add pictures to WordPress version of STF website (SM, DP + MM)
- Discuss Calendar option in Website (would be nice to have a calendar view for our activities)
- Add Green It Forward Program page to website (need to formulate this program)
#4 Electric Vehicles + Charging Stations – – WHOI + Personal
- Find EV deals on Green Driving with Mass Energy. Great deals on personal Electric Vehicle purchases
. Link to see chart of cost breakdown.
- Sebastien reached out to EV drivers at WHOI and USGS – several shared their EV stories and advice during the fair. Thank you to the 5 volunteers who showcased their electric vehicles during the EV Fair!
- EV Make Ready Program sponsored by Eversource (application was submitted by SM) – waiting for contract approval from Procurement
- Identify feasible location in School St. Lot and Clark front lot for new electric vehicle charging stations.
- Order EV charging station hardware from SemaConnect (SM- done)
- Meet with Marie Russell, MBL’s Facilities Director, to discuss EV charging stations at MBL. Explain EV Make Ready Program and hardware costs. Goal is to have additional EV chargers at MBL (we often get requests for use of our EV stations from MBL conference participants coming in from out of town)
#5 New Business
Xerox cartridges – Recycling. We posted the new program in Headlines:
“Not sure what to do with your spent Xerox toner cartridges? Label them for recycling, write “For Distribution” on a sticky note, leave in a designated location near mailboxes, and the Services Team will pick them up! A larger designated Xerox Recycling Eco-Box will be located in the Shipping Warehouse. If you have any questions, please contact Steve Senior “
Compostable product options at the Stockroom
Action: Holly Wilson is working with Sam Lomba to offer compostable items in the Stockroom – plates, cups, silverware (HW)