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January 18, 2023

Attendance: Sebastien Bigorre, Connor Ahearn, Alex Kinsella, Mike Weir, Liz Maloney, Will Poirier, Stephanie Madsen


#1 We discussed the Building Electricity Reduction Challenge and EE Raffle  – Program review, launch + assistance needed

·         The Building Electricity Challenge started Jan. 1, 2022 (flyer is below)

·         Launch Event scheduled for Wednesday, Jan 25th 4:00-5:00 pm in Clark Lobby – Free Snacks + bevs (we’ll need volunteers to help communicate + motivate!)

·         Raffle program review – we’ll draw 4 names monthly. We’ll let people decide from a list of options.

·         Program details on STF website – We highlighted the new landing page + pdf docs available

·         Create BUZZ about program -Building Motivators needed.  Hand out candy to Admins and encourage engagement


·         Post EE Event flyers around campus (Dale)

·         Add utility spreadsheet + bar graph plots to website – for ‘real-time’ kwh data each month (SM)

·         Help generate plots each month: auto-generated? (AK)

·         Discuss free coffee process with Steve Senior in FAC Services- one week window or all month? (SM)

·         Advertise Event, Challenge + Raffle to your Dept – Seb = PO, Alex= Postdocs, Connor = Tech Staff

·         Everyone nominates oneself or someone else for raffle who is energy conscientious (All)

·         Fix pdf flyers on STF website (LM-done)

·         All come to Jan 25 Event in Clark Lobby 4:00- 5:00pm (All)


#2   Develop Energy Efficiency Reminder sticky note for security guards to leave on door knob/door (need to be funny so people don’t feel shamed)…

We suggested several ideas but couldn’t land on one: “Swat the Watt”, BLUME ‘BeLieve U can save Money + Energy’, This thought needs to be developed – not sure it will alter behavior.


#3 WSS Events:

·         Organize Watson/BCG Freezer Maintenance Lunch n Learn – Tuesday, Feb 14 at noon See link to Freezer Maintenance flyer here:

·         Lunch n Learn – Sustainable Fisheries (Monday, Feb 6 at noon)

·         Mindful Meander – Wednesday, Jan 25 at Noon (Fenno House by fireplace in big lobby) led by TerraCorps Member (The 300 Committee Landtrust) Leader: Will Poirier, T3C-TerraCorps Member, 401-369-1627


·         Confirm Watson freezer lunch n learn Tuesday, Feb 14 – Steph call Mak Saito, book conf 201 room (SM)

·         Make freezer Lunch n Learn flyer (LM)

·         Create + disseminate Mindful Meander flyer (LM + WP)

·         Send out reminder for Feb 6 Sustainable Seafood Consumption Lunch n Learn (LM)


#4 Beach Clean-up Shore Lab - Monthly – We need Volunteers to join the leaders! STF is partnering with T3C + WHOI neighbors to clean up the beach on the first Thursday of each month at noon. Meet at Gate by Shore Lab. Leaders for Beach Cleanups include:

·         Feb 2, Thursday-Alex Kinsella

·         March 2, Thursday-


#5   Research + Review possible programs for WHOI housing:

·         EV Bike rental options: Velotric

·         EV car share like ZipCar is Envoy electric car sharing service:


·         Research Envoy Program – will it work at Dorms? (All)

·         Velotric electric bike program – how will this impact our Bike Loaner Program? (All)


#6 Energy Updates: solar, LEDs + Energy Master Plan (EMP)

·          David Center rooftop (QRF)- solar contract signed. Installation starts June 2023

·         NQSF rooftop – contract signed. Installation starts June 2023

·         LEDs – replacing LED fixtures in 49 Buildings. Wicked Watts is finishing up Quissett Buildings then will complete Village Campus buildings in Jan + Feb 2023

·         Energy Audits in Residential Office + Commercial Buildings will be conducted this fall 2022 – Swift, Vincent, Winding Lane suite, Bowen, Nobska, 38 Water St.

·         EMP on target for February-March completion. BR+A is focusing on Quissett Campus


#7  New Business     -  new research vessel in Ireland that uses very little resources and fuel and of interest to WHOI science projects in North Atlantic. Maiden voyage will be in the summer and could be an opportunity for ship time.

Website for ship is