December 21, 2022
Attendance: Gretchen Swarr, Alex Kinsella, Erica Herrera, Sarah Youngs, Kai Srisirikul, Liz Maloney, Stephanie Madsen
#1 We Reviewed the WHOI Building Electricity Reduction Challenge program, including structure, rewards, flyer content, etc. We also discussed the monthly raffle program.
- The Building Electricity Challenge starts Jan. 1, 2023 Hoping we can kick it off with a TGIT?
- Raffle program review – we’ll draw 4 names monthly (Coffee O, French Bakery, Flax Food were suggested). We may let people decide from a list of options.
- Add utility Spreadsheet to Website so people can track their buildings kwh per month. Bar graph should be on first tab (where people land) then excel spreadsheet on 2nd
- Create BUZZ about program, TGIT?, Building Motivators? Hand out candy to Admins?
- Create Building Reduction Flyer (LM-done)
- Create EE Champion Raffle google form (SM- done)
- Create Champion Raffle flyer (LM-done)
- Ask Colin Reed about TGIT in mid-Jan for kick off event (SM)
- Buy a few gift cards for Raffle reward (SM)
- Add utility Spreadsheet + Bar Graph to Website so people can track their buildings kwh per month (SM, LM, DP)
- Add all docs – flyers, form, spreadsheet to STF website – top of landing page (DP)
- Send flyers to Admin-Pros + Events (Joanne Tromp) first week in Jan (LM)
- Explore the Building Motivator, candy to Admins approach (SM + LM)
#2 WSS (WHOI Social Sustainability) – Events that increase social connections
Please volunteer for WSS Events:
- Lunch n Learn - Freezer Maintenance In-Person on Thursday, Dec 15th Fye 134 (then basement for demo) was a hit. People found it very helpful, particularly techs. Offering flyers, google forms to PM (preventative maintenance), demo of scraping ice, and pizza after the demo added to the success.
See link to Freezer Maintenance flyer here:
- Freezer Maintenance Lunch n Learn for Redfield – Wednesday, Jan 11 at noon. Rm. 204
- Lunch n Learn – Sustainable Fisheries (Monday, Feb 6 at noon)
- Mindful Meander – led by TerraCorps Member (The 300 Committee Landtrust) Leader: Will Poirier, T3C-TerraCorps Member, 401-369-1627
- Update Freezer Maintenance flyer to reflect Redfield date + location (LM)
- Disseminate Freezer flyer to Admin-Pros and Redfield occupants 1st week in Jan (LM)
- Meet with Will Poirier to set up dates for WHOI mindful meanders (SM + AK)
#3 Beach Clean-up Shore Lab - Monthly – We need Volunteers to join the leaders! STF is partnering with T3C + WHOI neighbors to clean up the beach on the first Thursday of each month at noon. Meet at Gate by Shore Lab.
Leaders for Beach Cleanups include:
- Jan 5, Thursday – Steph
- Feb 2, Thursday- Alex Kinsella
#4 Energy Updates: solar, LEDs + Energy Master Plan (EMP)
- David Center rooftop (QRF)- solar contract signed. Installation starts June 2023
- NQSF rooftop – contract signed. Installation starts June 2023
- LEDs – replacing LED fixtures in 49 Buildings. Wicked Watts is finishing up Quissett Buildings then will complete Village Campus buildings in Jan + Feb 2023
- Energy Audits in Residential Office + Commercial Buildings will be conducted this fall 2022 – Swift, Vincent, Winding Lane suite, Bowen, Nobska, 38 Water St.
- EMP on target for February-March completion. BR+A is focusing on Quissett Campus
- Need NQSF transformer data (SM)
#5 New Business -
Gretchen updated the Way Station status. She applied for free milkweed plants to add to the pollinator garden. After those arrive, and we plant them with Little Harbor’s help, she’ll apply for the butterfly Waystation status.