May 18, 2022
Attendance: Liz Maloney, Stephanie Madsen, Alex Kinsella, Dina Pandya
#1 Utility Cost increases for 2023 were addressed:
Electricity supply costs will increase 26% (2023) and gas supply will increase 17% (in
Energy Conservation will be paramount. We discussed energy efficiency strategies including:
o Building energy reps – target thermostat settings, doors-windows open, flyers, contests, etc.
o Cold Storage – freezer/fridge conservation. Replace old units and utilize CLC rebates.
o Pop Up Energy Efficiency events – share energy cost increases with WHOI personnel
o CRL pilot program for controls (ECMs) and variable frequency drives (VFDs)
Prioritize energy efficiency efforts as a group and create an action plan (All)
Talk to people in your buildings about saving energy (All)
#2 WSS (WHOI Social Sustainability) – We discussed events that increase social connections
Solar for Your Home Lunch n Learn – Tuesday, June 21 @ noon (Cotuit Solar, Revision, Solar Rising?) + Megan
Amsler Self-Reliance. Liz will offer testimonial.
Activity Fair – Tuesday, Sept 20 2022 (tbd) Partner with Workplace Climate Comm + Women’s Comm
Lawn Games – need leaders to schedule events – Many groups at WHOI have been asking for the shed access
Recreation – someone suggested created a link from STF page to the Recreation page
Create Recreation link to STF page (Dina)
Create Solar Lunch n Learn flyer (LM)
#3 WHOI’s Energy Master Plan Update. We have a new proposal that increased in cost to $172,900 because BR+A
engineering firm will be utilized (in lieu of Vanderweill)
We discussed the status of the EMP and possible CLC funding $10k
Trustee Presentation – focusing on our STF efforts including LED, solar, EV charging stations, and bike loaner
program - Steph Thursday, May 19th. The presentations went well and lots of Trustees and Corporation Members
seem excited about the sustainability program. One trustee recommended we give lots of presentations to WHOI
Set up STF pop ups for energy conservation suggestions (SM + others)
Give presentations to Departments (SM)
# 4 Energy Updates: solar, LEDs (more money is available from CLC)
Solar – Meteor House solar was turned on! Check out production
Heat pump custom rebate from Nat Grid (tbd)
LEDs – replace lighting fixtures in as many buildings as possible while CLC $ is there
next project CRL-RCRC (expected this summer 2022), then NQSF (getting proposal)
move forward with NQSF solar proposal (SM)
#5 Beach Clean-up Shore Lab - Monthly –STF is partnering with T3C + WHOI neighbors to clean up the
beach on the first Thursday of each month at noon. Meet at Gate by Shore Lab. Leaders for Beach Cleanups
June 2, Thursday – General Group
July 7, Thursday – Post Doc Assoc (Mike Weir) + SSFs + PEP
August 4, Thursday -
#6 New Business -
July 5th Beach cleanup with T3C, SeaGrant + AutoCamp? People didn’t seem
Birds hitting MRF windows – need solutions
Liz sent links to bird window collision solutions to Michele Shero (LM)
Dina has a box of old CDs that she’ll leave on Michele’s desk or give to Admin in Watson (DP)
EV Webinar – Thursday, June 9 – RSVP here