October 21, 2015
STF Meeting Minutes
Date: October 21, 2015
Location: Bigelow 217
Present: Larry Madin, Maureen Auro, Valerie Caron, Paul Avery, Dina Pandya, Rick Galat, Dave Derosier and Stephanie Madsen
Agenda Item
#1 Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Stations: Installations completed at Shiverick lot and Clark South but they are not powered yet.
- EV Station Training with Facilities – Nov. 6 Hanger, 10:30-11:30
#2 Climate Consortium – Tom Stone of Woods Hole Research Center reached out to WHOI gauging our interest in perhaps collaborating with them in community sustainability efforts. We discussed Tom’s proposal and what involvement seems feasible for WHOI
- Respond to Tom Stone and schedule follow-up meeting to discuss WHOI’s involvement (SM)
#3 Watson Lab Energy Reduction – Facilities installed hood cycling sensors in the Watson Lab reducing energy use by at least 30% and saving ~$70k per year in utility costs. Because of such positive economic savings and energy reductions, we would love to increase installation of these sensors across campus.
#4 : Building Rep Pilot Program update:All Walk-throughs of pilot buildings have been completed (by Dave, Steph and respective Building Rep).
- Schedule Building Rep Pilot Meeting to regroup all Reps and launch next phase (SM+Reps)
- Review all typed up notes and identify themes (SM)
- Update on automated timers for high energy use devices (DD)
#5 Kick the Can- Logo stickers have been completed (Thanks Eric!)
- Apply stickers, disseminate large trash bins to Pilot Program Buildings and collect small cans (SM with Reps)
#6 Nitrile Recyclable Gloves–Internal Safety Committee approved cautious launch of glove recycling program
- Soft launch of program (we’ll expand incrementally) – CRL + Nosams begin collecting gloves at respective labs.
- EH+S recommends we contact people at USC to determine pros+ cons of program before we post glove recycling on Headlines (SM or ML)
#7 Composting- Contact event coordinators at WHOI.
- Contact Tom Nemmers to discuss event composting options (possibly talk to Roland the Caterer as well) (SM)
- Contact Denise Barnett to discuss event composting options + offering water pitchers vs. small water bottles at events (SM)
- Spread the word about composting on campus! See http://www.whoi.edu/website/sustainability/wb-mason-eco-products for details. Compost With Me LLC has been a wonderful service thus far!
#8 Survey WHOI employees
- Polling WHOI employees for input would be highly beneficial and perhaps steer our priorities, i.e., who drives an electric car, who would bike if we offered covered storage, carpooling opportunities etc.
- Generate list of polling questions and generate survey to be posted on Headlines (Dina + SM)
#9 Engineering Expansion into (onto) Recreational Sites:
- STF + Recreational Committee will meet on Wednesday, Oct. 28th at 1:15 in Hanger to discuss the prospect of Engineering expanding staging area onto the tennis court by CRL (on Quissett Campus).
#10 STF Goals 2016 Slide- We reviewed STF’s Objectives and listed them as #1, 2s or 3s based on priority for the next year.
- Type up priority list and modify Goals Slide (SM)