November 20, 2013
STF meeting minutes: November 20th, 2013
1) Shut the Sash:
- 200+ hoods at the institution.
Decision: order 250 - 300 stickers, based on how the ordering system breaks down.
- Placement: should stickers be placed on the glass of the hood or on the metal side panel?
- Funds for design and ordering through Facilities, as this is where the financial benefit will be seen.
- Different types of hoods: constant volume will not affected by closing the sash.
Decision: Specifically put stickers on all hoods that are not bypass hoods. Safety element still holds, but energy savings do not apply.
- Stickers will be attached by facilities staff, not by inspector, due to differences in pay rate.
- Text for sticker
Decision: "Save energy. Save money. Be safe."
- Promotion: WHOI Headlines, departmental meetings, message to departmental chairs from facilities, targeted email to hood owners (listserv).
2) WHOI Headlines:
- Biweekly tips included in headlines. Julie will start these next week.
- Will include website information
- Separate announcement for Shut the Sash program when it is rolling out.
3) Lab inspections:
- Should highlight what small actions can be taken to reduce energy use.
- Verbal incorporation instead of paper list, though pdf checklist can be available on the website.
- When discussing with lab owner, phrase specifically: "What do you do to reduce energy use?" vs. "do you have practices in place to reduce energy use?"
4) Online pledge system:
- Pledge sheet for labs to sign to say that they are committed to reducing energy use in their lab.
- Blind, or could ask when signing the pledge whether they want their lab to be identified as one that has signed the pledge (i.e., X labs at WHOI have signed the pledge, including Dr. Y, Dr. Z, etc).
5) Website:
- Continuing to update and revamp.
- Should include pdf of logo, shut the sash sticker, energy reduction checklist.