November 19, 2014
STF Meeting Minutes
November 19, 2014
Bigelow 217
In attendance: Dave Derosier, Stephanie Madsen, Ron Reif, Ann Devenish, Valerie Caron, Jonathan Murray, Sebastien Bigorre, Paul Avery, Allessandro Bocconcelli, Mollie McDowell, Margaret DiGiorno, Dan Chamberlain
- Discussion of Possible Guest Speaker for Earth Day Week, either Tuesday, April 14 or April 28th(backup). Stephanie will contact potential speakers and arrange visit.Possible Guest Speakers :
- Alchemy Farm – Hilde Maingay and Earle Barnhart
- Megan Amsler – Executive Director of Cape Self Reliance
- Jason Stoot – Owner of E2 Solar
- Van Welie, President ISO New England
- Ben and Kellie Porter, family from Falmouth
- Don Mallinson, homeowner East Falmouth
- Steve Junker, WCAI
- Alchemy Farm – Hilde Maingay and Earle Barnhart
- Richard Elrick- Town of Barnstable Energy Coordinator
- Lauren Sinatra – Town of Nantucket Energy Coordinator
- Schedule visit from Electric Vehicle Charging Station reps: Dave, Steph, Jonathan + Valerie will meet with the reps from each company. We will compare options/costs associated installation then make a decision.
- ChargePoint – John Gilbrook. Scheduled for Dec. 10, 2014
- SemaConnect – Don MacNeil Scheduled for early Dec TBD
- Prioritize Green Tips list with Mollie, review with Dave then submit Tuesdays to Joanne Tromp for weekly WHOI Headlines. Include Tips: Don’t idle trucks, use less paper towel in bathrooms.
- Begin Building Ambassador work (small subcommittee was created and includes Stephanie, Jonathan, Ron + Allesandro). We will schedule a meeting for early December and discuss next steps, suggest roles, and rename “building ambassadors”….ex. Green Agents?
- Bike Discussion – Two items: 1. Contact HR again in 2 months to investigate bike expense commute program (similar to MIT’s), and 2. Bike Storage- The Barn and a Shed near Clark South
- Next Newsletter items = Don't idle Whoi Trucks, Drop Plug load, Contact Jonathan before you buy server, buy green products (check with procurement for advice)
- Add Sebastien Bigorre + Allessandro Bocconcelli to list-serve (and member list)