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November 16, 2016

Meeting Minutes

Date: November 16, 2016

Location: MRF 204

Present:   Ann Devenish, Danie KinKade, Andrea Harvey, Stephanie Madsen, Pam Polloni, Ken Kostel+ MC Regan (SAW student) 

Agenda Item

#1  WSS (WHOI Social Sustainability) – There have been lots of hikes this past month! We continue to add events as people volunteer to lead.

  • Hike- Wednesday, Oct 26 @ 12:00 pm. Meet at Tennis Court on Quissett Campus
  • Hike – Wednesday, Nov 2 @ 12:00pm. Meet on back Redfield lawn – Village
  • Hike Thursday, Nov. 17th at Noon-Quissett Campus-meet at tennis court
  • Ice Skating –Friday, Dec 2 @ 7:40-9:00pm – Falmouth Ice Arena


  • Add events – contact Steph if you would like to lead one! Ken suggested adding early evening events. (STF Members)
  • Submit Events to Joanne Tromp for Headline (SM)
  • Submit Events to Events Editor (Joanne) the day before or day of (SM-ongoing)


#2   Strategic Plan + Charrettes – We agreed on the list of topics to be addressed at the charrette meeting, we just aren’t sure when they are (originally scheduled for Nov. 7 + 14 but those didn’t happen). The following STF members are willing to attend: Ken, Danie, Andrea + Stephanie

  • List of topics suggested were:
    • Renewables + energy efficiency
    • Land use/management/landscaping
    • Space/Building Management
    • Supply chain
    • Bikes
    • Transportation


  • Find out when the charrettes will be held (Steph)
  • Meet ahead of charrette and prioritize  topics so that we have a clear, consistent message (STF members)


#3  Skip the Straw + Beach Cleanups – we are collaborating with young students in Falmouth schools to commit to Skipping the Straw (many businesses in Falmouth have committed as well).

  • Plastic stirring straws are no longer an offered product by WB Mason to WHOI customers – Matt Agnese and Steve Senior led the charge! Steph submitted the messaging to Headlines.


  • Members suggested Poland Spring remove all plastic cups from the 5 gal dispensed bottles (DK will contact MAgnese). Alternative real cups should be nearby or people need to utilize their re-fillable bottles/cups
  • We proposed purchasing stainless steel pint glasses for Shop Party to minimize single-use plastic cups (SM)
  • There is a lot more we can do, and we need your help! Please consider avoiding single use plastics in your everyday life, and offer ideas to our group on how we can minimize single use plastic (STF members).
  • Join us for 4 beach cleanups per year in collaboration with SEA, Falmouth Water Stewards, Skip the Straw group, SeaGrant and The 300 Committee.


#4  Recycle CDs + DVDs properly – if sensitive Whoi material is on DVDs, please submit to IS (who will then recycle them). CDs + DVDs are #3 plastic thus recyclable in Single Stream Recycling at Whoi. (I contacted our recycling service, Republic Services.


  • Add CD recycling information to our STF Website (Recycling Tab) - Steph
  • If questions ever arise regarding what can and cannot be recycled, please call our recycling vendor Republic Services for clarification ((508)-398-9222.



#5 AGU Ride Share/ Carpool– Discussions centered around create a carpool platform which would include and ride board for those attending the AGU meeting in San Francisco in December (12-16th) continue

  • Post a Bulletin/Ride Board on Whoi’s website.
  • Consider Green Shuttle for a ride to the airport – perhaps a group of people can share the expense? (generate Headline for this)


  • Generate a Bulletin/Ride Board on Whoi’s website (KK + SM)…Ken +Steph met with Nick Symmonds to discuss options and within a day, Nick had a functioning carpooling platform created.

Thanks Nick!!!

  • Post Carpool platform to Whoi’s website, STF page + Facilities Transportation page (DP) – *Dina already created a link in Whoi Internal/Resources/Carpooling (Thanks Dina!!)


 #6 Building Reps – The Building Rep Program has been going well, and we are ready to make additions to the program!


Schedule the following building walk-throughs with new reps, Dave Derosier + Steph Madsen:

  • Fenno – Colin Reed
  • Clark 2nd Fl wing- Kim Deisher
  • Nobska House- Patty Mahoney (after Open Enrollment!)
  • Danie KinKade – Shiverick House


#7 Business Cards – WHOI’s present vendor, BCT in Providence, RI, won’t offer recycled cardstock material for business cards, thus we are pursuing various vendors offering green business card options.



#8 Recreational Indoor Space – The group was tasked with identifying spaces within WHOI’s campuses that would be great for inside recreation – such as foosball, ping pong, darts. (we are dubbing it the Google Room)


  • The Barn next to Redfield which is presently being renovated
  • The Graduate Student Lounge
  • New room when the next building is constructed