May 21, 2014
1) Poster Feedback
- Very positive, seems to have sparked lots of thinking.
- Spurred some email conversations re: programmable thermostats, ability to monitor effects of Shut the Sash campaign, computer backups and powering down.
- Jonathan working on information on computer backups and powering down, specifically the differences in options and backup requirements for admin vs. sci vs. technical staff/machines.
- Move posters to other buildings next week, then monthly thereafter.
2) Shut the Sash
- Some posters seen on glass instead of on the posts?
- Dave: If a problem, let Facilities know; they will be moved and new ones placed on the post instead.
3) Green Lab Checklist integration
- Being integrated into lab inspections- Kallie/Dina to talk to HR
- Julie to talk to incoming JP students re: STF and student-oriented green tips
- Valerie to add more housing-specific list to Housing binder
- Dan will include in incoming SSF safety training in early June
- Dan will talk with Ron about including some sustainability-related safety items in the online General Safety Training quiz.
4) Kallie - Intern
- Starts June 2, 24 h/week
- Informal lunch for her during her first week
- Dave will send Jonathan the mechanical load vs. computer load statistics for the server room
- Research water units? No - let’s stick with Atlas, the company that we already have units from in Redfield, Smith, and GeoSecs.
- For financial feasibility, need volume. $45/month
- If a specific location is a good candidate, Facilities will cover piping costs for installation of system.
- Kallie: Speak with Procurement re: buildings/building areas that spend >$45/month, where installing a unit may be a good, financially beneficial option.
- Fridge Catalogue: all over campus are plenty of fridges that may be completely empty.
- Research car charging stations: one company is particularly popular in the area - be sure that charging stations/payment programs are consistent with what is already used in the community.
5) STF Five-Year Plan
- Wait until after Kallie’s internship, as her work will help identify priorities: those that are cheap, and those that are not cheap but worth the investment.
6) Covered Bike Racks
Short Term
- Bring your bike inside (not a solution, office space insufficient to hold a number of bikes, safety issue?).
- Nooks and crannies: there may be some areas around campus where we could install bike racks, or we could see if there is a small area inside a high bay to lock bikes.
- Walsh Cottage storage with GFD bikes (Village-only solution)?
Longer Term
- Shipping containers: Could install a shipping container on each campus (Clark South and Smith) with a rack inside each. Containers themselves would not be locked, but there would be something to lock bikes to inside.
7) Idea of having a summer bike messenger instead of shipping, with a cargo bike?
- Decrease transit between campuses for shipping/mail delivery
- Bulk of packages may inhibit this, other duties performed by shipping/receiving when traveling between.