May 16, 2018
Attendance: Sarah Fuller, Holly Wilson , Alex Bocconcelli, Sebastien Bigorre, Dina Pandya, Stephanie Madsen
#1 Solar Update –Still waiting for Eversource to inspect and add net-meters after which we can turn the panels on!
TGIF Solar Celebration – May 18th 4:30-6:30 on Fenno Patio.
- Create a poster to display at TGIF event, bring lawn games, compost k-cup box (and sign-up sheet) (SM)
- Contact Mary Ryther at Compost With Me to arrange composting bins for pizza event (SM)
# 2 WSS Events (more details for events listed at the end of this doc)
- May 15th Tuesday Bike to Work Day – sign up at table on Surf Dr/Bike Path + get free breakfast!
- May 17th at Noon– Cooking Demo in Clark 507 (contact Seb if you can help out
- June 6th Water Treatment Presentation by Stephen Rafferty, Falmouth’s Water Superintendent Redfield 5:00 - 6:30 pm for WHOI employees and 7 - 8:30 pm for the public
- June 10 at 9:30am Moraine Trail Hike – 9 miles T3C (more info below) Goodwill Park
- June 21 – Summer Solstice Hike with Pam Polloni at 5:00 pm. Meet at tennis court – Quissett Campus
- Continue to help each other with events, it takes a village! (All)
#3 Biking at WHOI – We discussed the exciting events taking place around Bike to Work Week.
- Bike Loaner Program season begins on April 15th. We plan to add 13 new bikes to the fleet
- Bike to Work Day- National Event is the 18th. Please record your trip on
- Plan Try It Day with MassRides – TBD – Kyle is very busy this month
- Plan another Meet Your Match with MassRides (TBD)
- The Falmouth Bike Safety Sessions will be held May 30th and June 19th 6-7:30pm at the Gus Canty Center. There will be a bike safety presentation given by MassBike, the statewide bike coalition, and bike safety checks performed if students want to bring their bikes.
- Add Bike Safety Events to STF Website and notify Susan Mills so she can tell the people who borrow bikes (DP - done)
#4 Electric Vehicles – WHOI + Personal – We discussed the pros + cons of buying GEM vs. Leaf.
- GEM Electric Vehicles – Road Ready
- Green Driving with Mass Energy. Great deals on personal Electric Vehicle purchases. Link to see chart of cost breakdown.
- Sarah suggested that the Shop Supervisors generate a Pros + Cons list of GEM vs. Leaf. Type up Template (SM)
#5 Gardens at WHOI
- STF garden plot – we are 9th on the waiting list
- Garden volunteer day (tbd)– help with common areas and plant flowers around perimeter? Discuss ideas.
There doesn’t seem to be a lot of traction on this, as in the gardeners with plots don’t seem to need help. But we are willing to help with common areas after the harvest, sometime in November.
#6 Freezer energy efficiency initiative – We met with representative from Stirling ultra-low temp freezer manufacturer. Stirling freezers are 75% more efficient than many of the ultra low freezers on campus
- Baseline Data has been collected by DMI engineering. Meters are presently in 4 Redfield freezers and collecting energy data for 1 week, plus monitoring how often the freezer doors are opened.
- Based on baseline data relative to Stirling energy statistics, Cape Light Compact/Eversource will offer us a rebate per freezer purchased (tbd). This could add up to big energy reductions in Redfield and big $ savings!
- If you are interested in a new energy efficient freezer and rebate, please contact
- Based on the meter data and energy savings, CLC is offering $3,000 rebate towards a Stirling purchase
- Consider additional WHOI internal rebate options (tbd)
#7 New Business
We didn’t have much time to address these items, thus I’ll put them on next month’s agenda.
- Lunch + Learns – Simon Thorold + Diana Wickman
- Mary O’Donnell – Kingston MA wind, solar - innovation
- Eversource – EV Ready grant. Eversource wants businesses to install EV changing stations, thus they are offering to cover costs of trenching, wiring, paving and labor. Client just needs to pay for hardware.
Bird Walks
Migration Mondays with Mike Tucker. All walks are 7:00 am to approximately 9:00 am -
May 21st:Dupee and Toner Parcels, Coonamessett River Upper Bogs
June 4th:Crane Wildlife Management Area (North)
May 17th at 11:45 am– Let’s get cooking! Come and join Sebastien in the kitchen next to Clarke 507 on May 17th at 11:45. He will show you how to make a couple of simple, quick, healthy and delicious courses. When done, we’ll eat together. Everyone welcome, from vegans to meat lovers. Contact Seb Bigorre
May 18th 4:30-6:30 TFIG and Solar Celebration on Fenno Patio. Come enjoy pizza + bevs! Bring a blanket or chair if you want to stay a while. Steph will set up lawn games.
May 15 Bike to Work Day!
Join MassRIDES on Friday, May 18th[SB2] for National Bike to Work Day and commuters across the world in celebrating biking as a fun, healthy, and safe way to travel to work.
Participating in this event takes three easy steps:
Register your worksite on and request any safety incentive items in your registration form by May 4th. Safety items this year include rear bike lights, reflective ankle bands, and bike bells.
If your worksite needs a boost to get started, sign your office up for a Try It Day and let the cycling do the talking. This event enables your employees to try biking to work and allows them to ask any questions about commuting by bicycle. If you would like to host a Try It Day on May 18th, please let me know as soon as possible as Bike to Work Day Try It Days are scheduled on a first come, first served basis.
Encourage your employees to log their bike trip in Bay State Commute on May 18th. After they log their bike trip, they will be automatically entered to win bicycle-themed prize packs that include Kryptonite Bike U-Locks, mini CO2 inflators, REI gift cards, and more!
Whether you choose to celebrate Bike to Work Day with a Try It Day or by creating an independent worksite celebration, we look forward to cycling with you on Friday, May 18th!
June 6- Water Treatment Presentation by Stephen Rafferty, Falmouth’s Water Superintendent Redfield 5:00 - 6:30 pm for WHOI employees and 7 - 8:30 pm for the public
End-to-end Moraine Trail Hike
Sunday, June 10, 9:30 am to 2:30 pm WHOI’s WSS, The 300 Committee and the Buzzards Bay Coalition will partner on this hike along Falmouth's longest trail. The Moraine Trail is about nine miles long and follows the hilly and forested terrain of the Buzzards Bay Moraine. The hike will cover the entire trail and will take about 4.5 to 5 hours, including a BYO picnic lunch along the way. Difficulty level: moderate.
Meet: at Goodwill Park in Falmouth at 9:30 am.
(Entering from Gifford Street, go 0.3 miles to the parking lot on the right.) Once everyone is assembled, we will carpool to the start of the hike at Route 151, just east of Route 28 (highway).
Approximate schedule:
- 9:30 Meet at Goodwill Park
- 9:45 Carpool to start of hike
- 10:00 Begin hiking south
- 2:30-3:00 Finish at Goodwill Park
Bring plenty of water and lunch.
If it is raining or the weather forecast calls for rain, the hike will be cancelled.
Sept 15+16 Celebrating The Sea Around Us – Woods Hole Village Celebration! Save the Date!