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March 21, 2018

Attendance: Pam Polloni, Dick Payne, Sean Medeiros, Alex Bocconcelli, Sebastien Bigorre, Dina Pandya, Stephanie Madsen

#1  Solar Update – Fye + Mclean rooftop installs passed Falmouth inspection! Waiting for Eversource to inspect, after which we can turn the panels on!

            33 extra panels were added to Fye = 12 kw of production, so total = 377 panels = 127 kw AC system (115 kw DC)

  • Track data for both Fye + McLean (gain access to portals- SolarEdge + AlsoEnergy)
  • Plan Solar Celebration - May 4 at 4pm. TGIF
  • Website – add recent solar installations to STF website


  • May 18 May 4th Solar Celebration confirmed with Directorate – We’ll have a TGIF and Mark will say a few words (if he’s not traveling)- Make Flyer (SM)
  • Work on uploading new solar installation info on STF Website (SM + DP)

# 2  WSS Events – confirmed dates are in green

  • April 22 – Beach Cleanup with WHRC + T3C-Please Register/RSVP


  • May 4 May 18- 4:30-6:30 pm Solar Celebration TGIF confirmed. Fenno patio
    • May 9 at 12:15 Bird Walk with Mike Tucker. Meet in Fenno lobby (room with gas fireplace)
    • May 15- Bike to Work Day (Surf Dr.-Bikepath intersection). Check in, grab coffee + bagel!
    • May 17th at Noon– Cooking Demo in Clark 507 (Seb organizing)
    • June 6 – Water Treatment Presentation with Stephen Rafferty (Holly organizing- select time)
    • June 10 at 9:30am-2:30– Glacial Moraine Trail Hike (meet at Goodwill Park Pavilion off Gifford Rd)– 9 miles T3C
    • June 21 – Summer Solstice Hike – 5:00 pm Pam Pollini will lead botany walk (confirmed)
    • Sept 15+16 Celebrating The Sea Around Us – Woods Hole Village Celebration! (WHBA)- Save the Date!


  • Organize Water Treatment Plant Presentation at Redfield –determine start time– (Holly)
  • Cooking Demo planning (SB)


#3  Biking at WHOI

  • Bike Loaner Program season begins on April 15th! We plan to add 5-10 new bikes to the fleet
  • May 14-18th = Bike to Work Week
  • Bike to Work Day- Tuesday, May 15th
  • Plan Try It Day with MassRides – end of May (June 12?)
  • Plan another Meet Your Match with MassRides (July?)
  • Plan a Bike Safety on the road + bikepath with MassRides (late June 19?)- We’ll join up with the 2 scheduled in town with the Bikeways Committee


  • Bike to Work Day (tbd)- Get date from Bikeways Committee (SM) MAY 15!!!
  • Confirm MassRides events with Kyle Bonus (SM)

#4  Gardens at WHOI

  • STF garden plot and donate to service center? Discuss
  • Beautify garden effort – plant flowers around perimeter? Discuss ideas


  • I spoke with the Village’s garden manager, Catherine Offinger and she reports that STF is 9th on the waiting list for a garden plot.
  • I proposed a “volunteer” day in the spring with objective to spruce up the communal spaces in the garden. She’s contacting the gardeners who have plots and getting their feedback and possible dates for a volunteer day.

#5 Freezer Energy Efficiency Initiative – We met with representative from Stirling ultra-low temp freezer manufacturer.  Stirling freezers are 75% more efficient than many of the ultra low freezers on campus

  • Baseline Data is being collected by DMI engineering. Meters are presently in 4 Redfield freezers and collecting energy data for 1 week, plus monitoring how often the freezer doors are opened.
  • Based on baseline data relative to Stirling energy statistics, Cape Light Compact/Eversource will offer us a rebate per freezer purchased (tbd). This could add up to big energy reductions in Redfield and big $ savings!
  • If you are interested in a new energy efficient freezer and rebate, please contact


  • Get rebate value from Cape Light Compact and notify scientists (SM)
  • Add Freezer info to STF Website (SM+DD)

#6 Sustainable Communities Conference

Steph and Pam plan to attend. Anyone else?

 #7  Citizens Climate Lobby Presentation by Dick Payne

“Recently I started a chapter in Falmouth, intending to cover the upper Cape. The thrust of local chapters is writing letters to senators and congressmen, newspapers, and generally making as much fuss as we can.

Much more information can be found at Click on the button marked Join CCL in the upper right hand corner of the home page and word will be relayed to me of your interest.”

Dick Payne is Oceanographer Emeritus, 2001 to present, Department of Physical

Oceanography, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.

Additional Walks in Community:

Migration Mondays with Mike Tucker

Start your day and week off with us on this series of Monday morning walks. It’s an exciting time of year when many of our nesting birds are returning as well as many species passing through on their way north. Many species of warblers, vireos, thrushes, sparrows and more. All levels of birders are welcome as we explore the trail for the sights and sounds of our beautiful migrants. See below for dates and locations.

All walks are 7:00 am to approximately 9:00 am

April 30th: ​Breivogel Ponds

May 7th:​Peterson Farm

May 14th: ​Peterson Farm

May 21st:​Dupee and Toner Parcels, Coonamessett River Upper Bogs

June 4th:​Crane Wildlife Management Area (North)