March 19, 2014
Date: March 19, 2014
Location: MRF 204
Present: Valerie Caron, Dave Derosier, Ann Devenish, Lea Fraser, Dan Lopes, Stephanie Madsen, Jonathan Murray, Dina Pandya, Ron Reif, and Laela Sayigh
Facilitator: Stephanie Madsen
Agenda Item #1: Meeting schedule
- Third Wednesday of every month at 1PM alternating between Quissett and Village
Action:Reserve rooms and announce locations (DP, SM)
Agenda Item #2: The agenda
- Agreement to have agendas issued prior to meetings
Action: Issue agendas (SM)
Agenda Item #3: Feedback on Earth Day poster
- More white space, revise wording, modify layout, include $ amounts where applicable, edit green tips, remove sash symbol, include ‘Did you know’ and ‘What can I do’
Actions: Make changes and issue draft two of poster to STF members (SM).
- Provide final review (SM, DD, DP)
- Check with CFO for approval to broadcast utility bill on poster and will get waste hauler # (DD)
- Add a QR code to website and poster (DP)
Agenda Item #4: Hood assessment update
- Costs $2-$4K to run main part of hood
Action: Continuing to work on PI and hood assignments (DD)
Agenda Item #5: STF Intern
- Reviewed suggested tasks, removed survey hoods due to safety concerns, SM already received one resume, propose 20 hrs/week, concerns raised about desk space, and supervision
Actions:Follow-up with CFO for approval (DD), Add CIS activities to tasks (JM)
Agenda Item #6: Shut the sash labels
- Need to inform PIs prior to deployment
- Goal is to have many labels posted by Earth Day 2014
Action: Complete list of PIs/hoods and notify (DD)
Miscellaneous Action Items:
- Email the draft mission statement for review and feedback (LF)
- Include STF checklist as a link in EH&S inspection reports (RR, DL)
- Review existing checklists on STF website (all)
Future Agenda Items:
- Vendor fair Earth Day 2015 to include such vendors as Cape Light Compact, Mass Save, solar companies
- Create a comprehensive green tip poster to include with new employee and student orientation packets
- Bike Week
Next Meeting:
Wednesday, April 16, 2014, Village, location TBD