June 25, 2009
Judy Fenwick, David Derosier, Liz Caporelli, Ronald Reif, Dina Pandya, Jonathan Murray, Holly Moeller, Kim Grodzki, Trish White, Tina Betti, Anne Miller, Valerie Caron, Rich Lovering
Introduction and overview
Introductions of old and new members and brief overview of TF activities to date. Discussion on additional members to represent Marine Policy, MIS, and G&G. Current TF members will contact these departments.
Governor's Clean Energy Challenge
Dave Derosier gave an update on Governor's Clean Energy Challenge that was created by the New England Clean Energy Council. WHOI signed up for the Governor's Challenge and has committed to reducing our greenhouse gas emissions by a minimum of a 10% by 2012. Ernie and Dave attended the kick off meeting in May. As part of the Challenge, WHOI will provide the Council with energy use information for all of WHOI, including utility meter information. The Council will obtain WHOI's energy use information directly from the utility provider and electronically track our consumption. This information can also be uses as a baseline for WHOI STF to monitor our use and formulate goals and strategies for improvements.
Group discussion on next steps
- Website is live: (Thanks Dina!)
- Blog: Group agreed that we should set up a blog for members to share and post information. The information will include: Energy Saving Tips for WHOI Headlines; past, present, and future energy saving efforts along with conservation measures that have taken place, are ongoing, or planned for the future. For now the Blog will be internal to TF members to post but eventually open to the WHOI community. TF members would decide what information on the Blog would be moved to the website.
- Check List/Pledge: The TF will use the information on the blog and other resources to compile a check list for each department with ideas to conserve and save energy. The goal is to have the check list turn into a pledge for individuals at WHOI.
We will use existing resources (Yale, Babson, EPA, CLC) to create the check list, pledge and plans for WHOI community. - Green Teams: Judy Fenwick: put together green teams to come up with check list and ideas for different components within WHOI including: energy conservation, transportation, waste, green purchasing, food and water, building, landscape, communications, recycling.
- Meeting Information: TF agreed to alternate meetings between Quissett and the Village and shift meeting time so people can utilize the shuttle.
Next Steps
- TF members will contact departments for additional representation
- Judy will put together Green Team framework
- Blog will be posted
- Upcoming meeting dates will be posted on the web site
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held on July 23, 2009 at 11 a.m. in the Smith Conference Room.
Next meeting agenda items
- How will we roll out the plan? Web site, Tips, Check list, Pledge, WHOI community involvement, lectures, events….
- Recommendations for Chair and other TF positions
- Discussion on how we will conduct ourselves.. Voting, quorum..