June 19, 2019
Attendance: Sarah Fuller, Tayler Heyl, Sebastien Bigorre, Stephanie Madsen
#1 Activities Fair – Thursday, July 11 from 11-1 in Clark 507 And Thursday, July 18- Discovery Center from 4:00-6:00pm The goal of the Activities Fair is to encourage a sense of community pride and cohesiveness by providing a showcase of current activities and resources that contribute to a positive environment at WHOI for the broad spectrum of WHOI’s culture. Whether it’s committee or advisory work, a task force, or a group focused on artistic expression, social justice, environmental concern, or mind-body-spiritual fitness, the activity fair will help WHOI employees connect to your groups to enable a stronger WHOI culture.
- Create Activities Fair flyer (HH – done – thanks Helen!)
- email the 10 Groups who RSVPed for the Activity Fair + recommend how to order poster from Creative@whoi.edu(SM-done)
- post flyers (All)
- encourage friends and colleagues to attend (All)
#2 WSS Events
- Lawn Games – Friday, July 12 from 5-7pm Village Lawn above Garden Plots
- Music on the Hillside (across from Pie n Sky)- Thursday, Aug 8 5-7pm. The Rowan Brothers will be playing live music. Bring a picnic and invite friends. It is open to the Community as well.
- Water kiosk ribbon cutting – Waterfront Park (date TBD)
- Partnership suggested with Jeff Kaeli (orienteering) and outside WHOI people – ex. Christin Marshall
- Spring Bike Ride- on a Friday – need to pick one
- Movies on Lawn? People are interested in bringing this back
- Yoga on the Beach – Wednesdays at Chappy (past Bowerman’s Beach) in West Falmouth at 6:30pm
- Create Lawn Games flyer (SM- done)
- Create Music on Hillside Flyer (SM)- organize volunteers (SM)
- Attend and bring friends (All)
- Email Colin about Movies on Lawn (SM)
#3 Garden Plot behind Challenger – The Sustainability Task Force was offered Garden Plot #3 in the Village Garden, it’s official!! Sebastien Bigorre will be the garden leader so please email him and sign the waiver.
- Email Sbiggore@whoi.eduif you are interested in being on the Garden Team
- Sign garden waiver if you plan to work on the site
- Consider contributing plants/flowers to the garden (All)
- Attend July 10 garden meeting at noon and set up watering schedule
#4 WHOI Book Club proposal- people are interested but consensus is that summer is too busy. Perhaps offer it in the winter. We are proposing Blue Mind by Wallace J Nichols
#5 Energy Efficiency at WHOI – what to tackle next…
The Group had a nice list of things to address at WHOI:
- More solar panels (didn’t make it on 2020 budget unfortunately)
- Hot water filters on Poland Springs water dispensers (do people need the hot water? Answer was varied
- Windows in Clark need overhaul – not sealed and leak air
- Building Representative program needs to continue and include other buildings besides the 8 already enrolled
- New Printers being installed by IS in the near future – are they energy star?
- Solar workshop – expand scope – the first workshop was super successful
- Green Tips on Headlines Newsletter – need STF members to contribute
- Follow up with Scott Cramer in IS about new printers (SM)
- Share Headlines sheet on Google Drive with Seb + Sarah Fuller (they’d like to start adding green tips periodically)
- Meet with Development about Solar Panel Donation avenue- slide already created by our energy consultants CES (SM)
#6 Bee Hive installation at Quissett- garnering interest for potential installation for 2020
- will schedule lunch n learn with Josh Leveque who manages hives at Falmouth Academy in the fall
- We’ll need a Bee Group at WHOI to manage the Bee Project. Please let me know if you are interested.
- Add Sarah Fuller to Bee Group list (SM-done)
New Business:
Pollinator Garden – we secured funding from the Director to move forward with the Pollinator Garden installation in the Village. It will be adjacent to the WHOI Garden Plots. The Leveques (Little Harbor Gardens) will be doing the design and installation.