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June 15, 2016

STF Meeting Minutes

Date: June 15th, 2016, Bigelow 217

Location: Clark 237

Present: Dave Derosier, Sean Medeiros, Dina Pandya, Danie KinKade, Patty Mahoney, Kevin Karanagh and Stephanie Madsen


Agenda Item

#1  WSS (WHOI Social Sustainability) – Events have been going great! Thanks to Kevin + Al, members of the Recreation Committee, we now have, in addition to bocce and corn hole, tennis racquets, balls + volleyballs.  Storage sheds, intended to house the gear, are being delivered soon to each campus.

  • July events have been scheduled. Check out Headlines for future event dates!

#2  Clean Energy Center Intern (CEC) – Three interns, Moira, Brianna and Michael, are available to help us with the following tasks:

  • monitoring eGauge metering data at Bell, Challenger, Fenno + Server room in Clark. Analyze for inconsistencies and identify ways to save money on energy bill.
  • analyzing 2014 and/or 2015 utility data
  • help in facilitating WSS events (Whoi Social Sustainability)
  • update STF Website / and outdated transportation webpages (
  • power down sticker campaign (help Andrea)
  • solar parking lot research


  • Meet Megan + new interns to discuss tasks (Done June24 -SM)

#3 : WHOI Appreciation Picnic–  We debriefed on composting at the event. Lessons learned:

  • Hide the trash barrels (it gets confusing for people)
  • Add another composting bin (we had 3…need 4)
  • Add recycling bins (they were overflowing!) Bring big blue bins out from CRL to aid with that


  • Remember these lessons for next year’s event! (SM + PM)

#4 Metering eGauge update:All eGauges and Ethernet connections (thanks Matt!) have been installed (Fenno, Bell, Challenger + Computer Server Room).


  • Group will meet Tuesday, July 5th at 1:00 in IS Conference Room to discuss data management, storage + dashboard features (SM)  Please let me know if you want to attend.

#5 EV Charging Stations- Wediscussed user feedback, rate in particular. Several users think rate of $1.25 per hour is too high


  • Drop rate to $1.00/hour (for the time being) (SM)
  • Bring EV users together in meeting format to discuss rates and whether they want internet connectivity (SM)

#6  Skip the Straw Campaign – Danie KinKade explained her daughter’s group efforts regarding Skip the Straw (and single use plastics) campaign. STF offered support – come help at a beach cleanup if you can!


  • Skip straws at Buttery, including plastic stirrers (they met with Steve Senior on June 20)
  • Help with Beach Cleanup (dates tbd)

#7  Bike Update – Steph and Rick wrote upCapital Budget Proposal (Steph + Rick)

  • Proposing installation of two bike enclosures (30 bikes) x 2 locations (Quissett Campus + Village)-


  • Submit proposal at end of June (R.Galat)
  • Or integrate into WHOI’s Strategic Plan (DD)
  • Dave suggested short term bike storage options: Swift Barn, Crowell house