July 21, 2021
Attendance: Dina Pandya, Taylor Heyl, Connor Ahearn, Stephanie Madsen
#1. WSS (WHOI Social Sustainability) – Let’s keep the holistic health theme going!
Please volunteer for WSS Events:
- Beach Botany Walk with Pam – Thursday, Sept. 9th at 12:15pm, meet at Fenno front entrance
- WHOI Picnic - Aug. 7 from 11:00-4:00…A newcomer hub standy will be displayed to create a space to encourage community connection.
- Schedule the Botany Walk (PP + SM) Thursday, Sept 9, 2021
- Create volunteer schedule for the WHOI picnic on Aug 7 (KG)
- Recruit WHOI’s Your Buddy volunteers to help at the Aug 7 picnic (SM)
#2 Beach Clean-up Shore Lab - Monthly – We need Volunteers to join the leaders! STF is partnering with T3C + WHOI neighbors to clean up the beach on the first Thursday of each month at noon. Meet at Gate by Shore Lab. Leaders for Beach Cleanups include:
- August 5, Thursday @ noon – GLOW will sponsor the August Cleanup!
- Sept 2, Thursday – tbd (a Dept or committee?)
- Oct 7, Thursday – Communications Dept. WHOI
- Reach out to Committees and ask if they would sponsor/recruit for a cleanup (Depts and Women’s Committee are interested)) (HH- done)
#3 Recycling –
- Paper Shredding Program – Iron Mountain Shredding Co – Lead Heather K is leaving WHOI and we need a new champion/POC
- Plastic reduction and recycling at the beach signs needed.
- plastic beach posters located at https://takecarecapecod.org/toolkit/ (thank you S. Murphy!)
- create Iron Mt Shredding posters and disseminate at WHOI (SM+HH)
#4 WHOI’s Your Buddy Program update –The goal is to create a more diverse, inclusive, and welcoming environment at WHOI. Check out the Workplace Climate Committees website for more info
We need Buddies!!! The program won’t work unless we get at least 20, so please post your profile
- To be a Buddy and create your Profile, go to: https://web.whoi.edu/wcc/whois-your-buddy-program/
- Mitch in IS sends us a list of new people every 2 weeks. A welcome letter with link to WCC website will be sent to new employees.
- Welcome letter has been composed and ready to send
- Add more diversity to the Buddy Board (All)
- Send welcome letter to new employee list (SM soon)
- Modify Buddy Board (DP)
#5 LED light installation update – 6 buildings completed in 2021 bringing in $380,000 rebate dollars.
- Blake, Clark South, Losos, McLean, Bigelow, Smith (completed Jan-June 2021)
- Next Buildings –Iselin Shop, QFB-Carpenters Shop, Shipping/Distribution Warehouse
- Sign CLC applications for rebates (SM)
#6 Solar Update – Meteor House solar will be installed in the next few months! Thank you Peter DM for contributing to the installation costs!
Clark South + Clark Solar Update – Now operational and real-time solar generation data is available on our website.
- Revision video featuring WHOI solar was filmed in early June. We’ll have excellent drone footage as well as still shots.
- Add Clark and Clark So solar installation information to our STF website (SM, DD or HH)
- Develop next solar installation location (SM)
#7 New Business -