February 15, 2017
Present: Ken Kostel, Dina Pandya, Pam Polloni, Sebastien Bigorre Charlotte Wiman, Sean Medeiros, Matt Agnese, Bryce Corlett, David Carter, Ali LaBella, Stephanie Madsen
#1 WSS Events
- Hike on Quissett Campus – early March - tbd (Steph)
- Winter Formal date – YES, Saturday, March 4 @ 9 pm @ Cpt. Kidd
- T3C Fundraiser at Grumpy’s with Puffy Elvis + Anejo burrito bus – Friday, March 24, 5:00-9:00
- Schedule hike for March (SM)
- Confirm (Trash + Trash) cleanup – March 22 (Seb) @ noon (bring gloves + receptacle) – consult with Steamship to partner
- Set date for Cape Cod Baseball League game (David)
- Schedule Botany walk on Quissett Campus with Pam Polloni (PP)
- Schedule Ice Skating Event (CW)
#2 Guest Speakers - Permaculture presentation feedback (well attended last week)
- Next speaker – Wendi Buesseler – Oyster Pond Environmental Trust (OPET)- The organization is conserving and maintaining 22 acres of ex-Whoi land in environmental trust– Friday, March 24 – Noon at Carriage House
- Composting at Home – Anne-Marie Runfola- date tbd
- Should we Show movie Tapped? It’s a film about the bottled water industry. Vineyard Conservation Society showed it recently and had offered zero waste snacks at the event and a discussion followed
- Thoughts about other guest speakers? Or topics? Perhaps goal should be 4 speakers per year?
- Schedule Wendi Buesseler OPET talk (SM)- Friday, March 24 – Noon at Carriage House
- Film-Tapped, order film (SM) _Schedule Showing (SM)
- Contact Jack Sidar of T3C and schedule talk (SM)
- Schedule Ann Marie for Compost talk (KK)
#3 Strategic Plan + charrettes – recap how the Feedback Sessions went on Jan 20 + 25
- List of sustainable considerations for plan:
- Renewables + energy efficiency
- Land use/management/landscaping
- Space/Building Management
- Supply chain
- Bikes
- Transportation
- Emphasize need for permeable parking if Shiverick lot is expanded (SM+All)
- Continue with Bike momentum and need for inside storage (All)
- Schedule Bike Subcommittee meeting – March 8 at 10:00 am at Coffee O-Village
#4 Sustainable Business Cards: http://www.greenerprinter.com/
- GreenerPrinter.com is now set up as a Whoi Vendor and options are uploaded on Graphics/Resources/Business Cards
#5 Employee Orientation – Sustainability at WHOI will be covered for each New Employee Orientation
#6 Bike Update –
- Loaner Program inherited from International Committee – Facilities will oversee program
- Bike Friendly Business status for Whoi – applying for status (due in June?)
- Bike storage – basement Carriage House, Crowell Barn?
- Bike Subcommittee schedule meeting follow up – March 8
- Schedule Painting session – David + Ali kindly agreed to paint loaner bikes (D+A)
- Buy paint and brushes (SM)
#7 Cardboard Recycling at Whoi – dumpter map + printout
- Get Map of Cardboard Dumpters from Steve Senior (SM)
- Make magnetic signs to affix to cardboard + single stream dumpsters (SM)
#8 Building Reps – schedule the following building walk throughs with reps:
- Fenno – Colin Reed (finish walk-through)- March 3?
- Clark 2nd Fl wing- Kim Deisher
- Nobska House- Patty Mahoney (after Open Enrollment!)
- Shiverick – Danie KinKade – March 10?
- Finish Fenno Walk Through (SM+ CR)
- Shiverick Walk Through on Friday, March 10th? (SM +DK)
#9 MassSustainability Communities Conference: March 17, 2017
- Steph + Alex B. and Sebastien registered.