January 21, 2015
STF Meeting Minutes
MRF 204
In attendance: Dave Derosier, Stephanie Madsen, , Dina Pandya, Valerie Caron, , Maureen Auro, Paul Avery, Ann Devenish, Julie van der Hoop, Sebastian Bigorre.
- Brief discussion of paper towel usage at Whoi, based on feedback from our Green Tip: Take the One Paper Challenge.
- We need baseline of paper towel usage for 2014. Dave will contact the janitorial staff and get number, and Steph will contact the stockroom for their sales. The goal is to compare 2014 levels to 2015 (to see if our One Paper Challenge campaign is successful)
- We will design a sticker to be applied to paper towel dispensers around Whoi (we’ll add QR code which links to Ted Talk about Paper towels (shake + fold)- Steph and Dina will lead this effort
Related Files
» Building Ambassadors Pilot Program Objects
(MS Word)
» Building Ambassador Pilot Program Objectives
(MS Word)
- We secured STF Guest Speakers for 2015 (and advertised on Whoi Headlines + Seminars Editor). We’ll give a STF shout out before the presentation.
- Megan Amsler –Jan. 27 Jan 29 at 4:15pm Carriage House Cape Cod Self-Reliance http://selfreliancefuelcoop.org/.
- Hilde Maingay and Earle Barnhart April 14th at 4:00pm Clark 507 (Dave confirmed that we will offer an honorarium to their organization) The Green Center http://www.thegreencenter.net/
- EV charging station discussion. We got approval from Susan Avery (Director) to purchase 2 stations (4 ports). Next step= Dave will determine locations for installation, estimate installation costs, and then we’ll contact the vendors again.
- ChargePoint -John Gilbrook,
- SemaConnect Don MacNeil
- Building Representative Pilot Program Discussion
- The Pilot Program kick off meeting is Friday, Jan. 23 at 2:30pm (Dave’s office).
- Our goal is to have Reps help occupants of respective buildings identify improvements in energy use + space. See check list below.
- Bikes-
- Town of Falmouth has 40 bike racks (if we need any we can ask the town for some).
- Dave said we have 2 racks – Julie requested a rack to be placed under the overhang at MRF.
- Covered Bike Storage Containers – in progress. Goal is to have one at Crowell House in the Village by summertime and another near Clark South (Dave contacting Rick Gallet to work on it this summer)
- Need for bike rack real estate somewhere in the Village. Most people recommend space next to Redfield. Big picture, can we cut shrubs, install public bike racks and put up Whoi kiosk? Dave will talk to Jeffrey (CFO)
- Procurement – We wanted to address procurement issues such as offering green items at the Stockroom, but we decided to hold until we have a representative from Procurement in attendance.
- We only had time to address the list of suggestions below that are highlighted in yellow. This list will be first priority at next month’s meeting.
- - carpooling: connect people from same town that commute to WHOI/USGS/MBL and are interested to carpool (could use HR database, or simply through word of mouth)
- signs in bathrooms, labs, near sinks to reduce paper consumption (will be designing stickers “Take the One Paper Challenge!”
- - paper towels alternatives in bathrooms (air blowers, cloth towels) Dyson Dryers
- We need to research alternatives to paper- Steph doing research
- - webpage with repair requests (easy access may promote quick notifications of repairs like faulty faucets) We discussed this and Dave offered insights into how the process works at facilities. There is a place on Whoi internal/facilities/workrequests to submit repair requests. Most people didn’t know this.
- minimal landscaping practices (keep some tall weeds that produce shades for lower plants, retain soil moisture)
- do business with local vendors (Mashpee coffee, Kenmark office systems also in Mashpee, etc) to promote local economy and reduce long supply chains
- webpage for Sustainability Comm with suggestions box/comments. STF suggested people just email sustainability@whoi.eduwith suggestions
- stockroom supplies for green products (lights with motion detector, LED, green stips…)
- reduce plastic bags in individuals trashes in offices (maybe no bags at all; and have a central trash for several offices for items that are smelly/wet like food stuff)