January 20, 2016
STF Meeting Minutes
Date: January 20, 2016
Location: MRF 204
Present: Dave Derosier, Paul Avery, Ann Devenish, Valerie Caron, Dina Pandya, Charlotte Wiman, Dan Lopes, Andrea Harvey, Matt Agnese, Kristen Esser, Max Besser, Julia Gauglitz, Alessandro Bocconcelli and Stephanie Madsen
Agenda Item
#1 STF Website Update – Many docs uploaded to Website including EV Charging Station, Recycling Gloves program, Composting (specifically at Whoi events).
- Add Suggestion Box to website + create more functional landing page (Dina)
#2 Holiday Light Recycling Drive – Holiday lights were collected Jan 19. Over 573 lbs of lights were recycled and taken to facility in Hyannis.
Action: Store empty collection boxes in Loft of Geosecs (Steve Senior)
#3 On-line STF Survey – Survey has been edited and completed. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/WHOI-sustainability
- Change option in Question 4 (DP- done)
- Disseminate to WHOI employees via Joanne Tromp in early January (SM + DP)…only give 2 week window for participation
- Admins send a reminder the Monday when survey closes on Friday (SM+JT)
- Offer re-usable water bottles (3) as raffle prizes for survey participants (realized we can’t do this because the survey is anonymous)
#4 Next Sticker Campaign- We are looking for ideas regarding our next sticker creation – one that will affect employee behavioral change. Suggestions included:
- Power Down Plug Load checklist including: monitors, space heaters, lights, printers, unused equipment
- Composting sticker
Action: collect additional ideas and write up draft of power down sticker (SM)
#5 Composting- We briefed about composting strides at Whoi. A few suggestions were made:
- Increase quantity of composting buckets at the Buttery (SM + SS)
- Investigate composting options for Watson Building (JG)
- Advertise that the Buttery is indeed composting (SM + SS)
- Generate sign such as “WHOI composts”…or something like this (SM + Graphics)
- The cutlery at the Buttery will be compostable (Steve Senior ordering the cutlery)
- Email/meet with Steve Senior to discuss suggestions (SM+JG)
#6 Metering installation- four sites at WHOI including server room.
Objective is to install eGauges at 4 different sites at WHOI to monitor energy closely. Four sites include: Computer Server room, Fenno, Bell House + Challenger
- eGauges and CTs were assessed Jan, 22 by Steph, Dave, Joe Hackler, Jonathan Murray + Steve Gagnon.
- Order eGauges (Steve Gagnon = done)
- Install units (Joe + Steve), modify dashboard (Greg Fiske) and being monitoring our energy data!
#7 Building Rep Pilot Program update:Adding GeoSecs to the list of Buildings involved in the program.
- Geosecs walk through – Jan 29 at 1:30 (DD, SM, AH + MA)
#8 : Bike Update:
- Ken meeting with HR to discuss Bike Commuter Benefits (will HR offer subsidies/month for those who bike vs. drive to work?). (KK)
- Add Alessandro Bocconcelli to Bike Subcommittee list (SM+KK)
- Park + Pedal Program – in idea phase….create permanent covered bike storage (lean-to?) in Clark front parking lot, encourage Village commuters to park at Clark, hop on their bike (stored overnight in the lean-to) and pedal to Woods Hole. If bad weather, they can take the shuttle instead. This will alleviate parking pressure in the Village and increase wellness among employees. (submit proposal to Capital Budget in June)
#9 WHOI Headlines – Advertise green tips and STF successes
Action: Submit items to Headlines alternating weeks (SM or CW)
#10 Climate Change and WHOI– Julia Gauglitz gave a brief overview of WHOI’s involvement in Climate Change research and need for further involvement and action in finding solutions.