January 18, 2017
Meeting Minutes
Present: Dave Derosier, Alex Bocconcelli, Ken Kostel, Dina Pandya, Ann Devenish, Danie Kinkade, Dan Lopes, Sean Medeiros, Paris Smalls, David Carter, Ali LaBella, Stephanie Madsen
#1 WSS Events
- Members discussed Ping Pong options- High Bay (Clark S) + Clark 507
- Winter Formal at Captain Kidd – tdb
- Ice Skating Feb 10 @ Falmouth Ice Arena – Charlotte leading!
- Confirm ice skating for Feb 10 + advertise in Events Ed (Charlotte +SM)
- Schedule a ping pong event (SM)
- Investigate dart board for TGIF events
- Advertise Winter Formal Date + Time (Colin)
- Schedule Beach Cleanups (Danie + SM)
#2 Permaculture Presentation – Friday, Feb. 3, 12:00 – Carriage House- bring your lunch and enjoy learning more about Permaculture design.
- Finalize Poster, print, disseminate and advertise on Headlines (Steph + Dina)
#3 Strategic Plan + charrettes –scheduled for Jan 20 + 25
A group will be attending the Strategic Feedback Sessions scheduled for Jan 20th + 25th.
Fri (20th)- Redfield @9:30 am= Steph, Alex, Danie
Fri- Clark 507@ 1:30 – Ken
Wed (25th)- Redfield @9:30 am= Steph
Wed (25th)- Clark 507@ 1:30 – Ken, Dina, Ann
Action: Bring up these points at the Feedback Sessions:
- List of sustainable considerations for plan:
- Renewables + energy efficiency – implement in all new building construction; Don't rely on LEED certification--instead design with an eye to long-term operation & sustainability
- Land use/management/landscaping – design sustainable/native landscapes to minimize runoff, eradicate need for irrigation, and generally cut costs; include plans for outside classroom; consider permeable pavement, swales, and other storm-water retention/release methods
- Space/Building Management – consider storage needs to avoid clutter in shared spaces; include social space (yoga, gym, classroom), consider sharing resources with MBL, Fisheries, Steamship (docks)
- Supply chain – construction focus: make local vendors + minimizing waste a part of bid consideration;
- Bikes – where possible, include storage space in new buildings; create centralized storage on both campuses
- Transportation – Better shuttle pick-up/drop-off locations; other ways to unify Village and Quissett?; natural gas or other low- or zero-emission vehicles
#4 Carpooling Tool on Website: Please use the new Carpooling Tool! https://forms.whoi.edu/car-pool/
- Advertise in Shuttle, bulletin boards+ hardback posters on easels (SM)
#5 Bike Update –
- Loaner Program inherited from International Committee – Facilities will oversee program
- Bike Friendly Business status for Whoi – applying for status (due in June?)
- Bike storage – basement Carriage House
- Bike Subcommittee schedule meeting follow up – Feb or March
- Work with Whoi HR to establish commuter program (Ken + Nicole Wright (HR))
#6 Sustainable Business Cards: http://www.greenerprinter.com/
- GreenerPrinter.com is now set up as a Whoi Vendor
- Graphics ordered mine, and if happy with quality, will post options on Graphics website
- Graphics post sustainable option on Whoi’s on-line order website (Graphics)
#7 Cardboard Recycling at Whoi – we discussed the need to post cardboard recycling dumpster locations and add new signage (many dumpsters not labeled)
- Map out cardboard dumpster locations (DD + SM)
- Create magnetic sign reading “Cardboard” (SM + Graphics)
#8 Building Reps – schedule the following building walk throughs with reps:
- Fenno – Colin Reed – Scheduled for Friday, Jan 27 at 2:00 (SM, DD + CR)
- Clark 2nd Fl wing- Kim Deisher
- Nobska House- Patty Mahoney (after Open Enrollment!)
- Shiverick – Danie KinKade
#9 MassSustainability Communities Conference: March 17, 2017
- Steph registered $45.00…anyone else?
- Let Steph know if you want to go (carpool) – I uploaded the Ride Offer on our new Carpooling site! https://forms.whoi.edu/car-pool/
#10 New Business -