February 26, 2014
STF meeting minutes: February 26th, 2014
“Shut the Sash” stickers:
- Draft of Shut the Sash information sheet distributed by Dave
- Email to be sent out to PI’s and hood users
- Headlines announcement
- Stickers to go out within the next month
Safety checklist: Green Lab checklist
- Distribute checklist with safety inspection
- Post checklist on safety website
- Low hazard space checklist for saving energy in office spaces
Sustainability Pledge
- Online pledge for individuals labs to sign
- Recent budget cuts create more incentive to cut costs
Building ambassadors
- As group expands, bring new members on as building or department STF ambassadors
Set up weekly/biweekly “Green Tips” in WHOI Headlines
- Create list of Green Tips and automatically submit
Formal structure for the group going forward?
Hood usage audits
- By users or by security guards
- Monitor hood usage over time
- Cape Light will pay for some projects
Earth Day Ideas:
- Create posters for lobbies of buildings
- A dozen posters to be displayed in buildings
- Highlight past Sustainability Task Force successes
- Promote the “Shut the Sash” initiative
- “What you can do to help?” Poster
- Energy saving tips for employees
- Move Posters around campus over the course of the week
Freezer audits…
- Add Freezer “best practices” to the website
- List of approved “green” items for labs and offices
- Encourage new employees and scientists to order from STF approved list
- Link on website to “Green Purchasing” database