February 17, 2021
Attendance: Sarah Youngs, Karen Soenen, Lauren Dykman, Helen Harding, Sebastien Bigorre, Taylor Heyl, Stephanie Madsen
#1 WSS – Wellness and Inclusion are emerging as big needs right now at WHOI and STF is paying attention by scheduling hikes and lunch and learns!
Lunch and Learns:
- Debrief (42 people participated!!) Lunch n Learn -Recreation Committee and YMCA update - Justin Ossolinski + Karen Soenen (or YMCA Rep) Feb 10, 2021. The recording is posted on the website
- Lunch n Learn – Bee Keeping at WHOI update (Karen Soenen) March, 2021
- Boat Shrink Wrap Recycling – SeaGrant – Stephanie Murphy April 14th at Noon
- Crane Wildlife Sanctuary Hike – Sunday, Feb 21 at 10:00am (see flyer for details)
- Hikes with The 300 Committee led by Colleen Smith https://signup.com/go/aLiSFbg
- When will campus open for Recreation?
- Schedule bee keeping lunch and learn for March (KS + DK)
- Schedule Hike for early March – Mashpee River? (SB, SM + SY)
- Generate flyer for Boat Shrink Wrap Lunch n Learn (SMurphy)
- Find out when campus recreational facilities will open up again (SM)
#2 Community Shared Solar available (aka Residential Off-site Solar). Only 9 spots available! A New solar installation in Plymouth is looking for residential customers. Expect to save 15% of your utility supply bill. If you rent a home, have an old roof, and/or can’t install solar on your rooftop, consider purchasing off-site solar through Cape + Islands Self-Reliance. Contact Megan Amsler if interested. megan@reliance.org
- If interested in Off-site Residential solar, contact Megan Amsler or Joe Loud 982.0888 TO APPLY
#3 LED light installation update – 3 buildings completed, 3 to go (for 2021) Total Rebate dollars = $380,290
- Blake, Clark South, Losos (completed Jan-March)
- Next – McLean (starting Feb 22, 2021), Smith, Bigelow to follow
- Update LED slides in STF Powerpoint Presentation and STF Binder (SM)
- Add LED projects and savings to STF website (HH)
#4 WHOI’s Your Buddy Program being formulated –The goal is to create a more diverse, inclusive, and welcoming environment at WHOI. Coming soon, more information will be posted on the Workplace Climate Committees website
- To be a Buddy and create your Profile, go to: https://web.whoi.edu/wcc/whois-your-buddy-program/
- Schedule next meeting (DP + SM)
- Sign up to be a Buddy (https://web.whoi.edu/wcc/whois-your-buddy-program/
- Contact Todd K for HR update (SM)
#5 Beach Clean-up Shore Lab - Monthly –STF is partnering with T3C + WHOI neighbors to clean up the beach on the first Thursday of each month at noon. Meet at Gate by Shore Lab. Leaders for Beach Cleanups include:
- March 4, Thursday – Kevin Nikolaus + Stephanie Madsen
- April 1 – Dina Pandya and Stephanie Murphy
- May 6, Thursday – Pam Polloni
#6 EV Chargers at NQF Building (new building on Quissett Campus)- discuss options regarding Eversource’s EV Make Ready Program (pays all 240v wiring, trenching and paving) and MassDOT EVIP Program (pays half of hardware costs)
- Contact Matt Cate to locate EV charging pedestal placement (SM)
- Contact James Cader at Eversource – EV Make Ready Program to request timeline (SM)
#7 New Business - STF’s Garden Plot – connect with Seb Bigorre (we plan to start seeds soon!)
- Community Garden at Emerald House in East Falmouth
- contact Ben Harden benharden27@gmail.com