December 16, 2015
STF Meeting Minutes
Date: December 16, 2015
Location: Bigelow 217
Present: Dave Derosier, Paul Avery, Rick Galat, Dina Pandya, Charlotte Wiman, Maureen Auro, Jonathan Murray, Matt Agnese and Stephanie Madsen
Agenda Item
#1 Nitrile Glove Recycling Program – Has been launched and details are loaded on the STF Website! Program expansion by word of mouth….so spread the word!
#2 Website Updates: The following pages have been added to the STF website: EV Charging Station details, Nitrile Glove documents, and Composting cost sheet specifically for WHOI events.
Action: Add suggestion box on website landing page (DP)
#3 Holiday Light Recycling Drive – Collection boxes are located in Clark + Smith lobbies. Pick up is Jan. 16th. Sponsored by Americorps Cape Cod.
Action: Confirm pick up with Americorps (SM)
#4 On-line STF Survey – Survey has been edited and completed.
- Finalize survey, send to Dave (SM+ DP- done)
- Dave get approval from Jeffrey F. (DD)
- Disseminate to WHOI employees via Joanne Tromp in early January (SM + DP)
#5 Composting- Discussion about composting at next years’ shop party, and shout out to Bio department for composting at their holiday party!
- Confirm that cutlery in Buttery is compostable (Matt said he thought they weren’t) (SM + DD)
#6 Community Grants, Solar- Meeting with Megan Amsler on hold until spring (DD)
#7 Metering installation- four sites at WHOI including server room.
Team met with Tom Stone, Greg Fiske + Joe Hackler to share metering options for WHOI. These inexpensive meters will provide individual building energy data management + monitoring capabilities via a dashboard display. The objective of this pilot program is to provide baseline data for 4 buildings (that aren’t presently metered separately), allowing us to measure success (as in dollars saved) for launched energy saving campaigns.
- Set up Greg Fiske + Joe Hackler as Vendors/Contractors with Procurement (SM+ MA)
- Schedule followup meeting with Jonathan + Dave to discuss next steps (SM+DD)
- Order eGauges, Cost Current Meter (CCM) + Raspberry Pi (RP) units of the Fiske Meter System (DD)
#8 : Building Rep Pilot Program update:L’Hirondelle House (EH+S) needs insulation in attic before winter arrives. Colony Insulation has been contacted. Matt would like to add the procurement office and stockroom to the Building Rep Pilot program.
- Schedule Building Rep Pilot walkthrough with Matt + Dave (SM+DD)
- Follow up with Colony Insulation for estimate (SM)
- Design a new sticker campaign…we need ideas (All STFers)