August 20, 2014
STF Meeting Minutes
August 20, 2014
Bigelow 217
Attendance: Dave Derosier, Kallie Leschen-Lindell, Stephanie Madsen, Jonathan Murray, Ken Kostel, Dina Pandya, Valerie Caron, Ann Devenish
Atlas Filtration Conversion Update:
-We are waiting to hear from plumbers on some locations
-Kallie will look further into other locations brought up at meeting (E.g. Bell House)
Data Loggers Update:
-Once Kallie leaves, who will hold onto the loggers and the data?
-Jonathan offered to be in charge of the data
-Discussion of posting user guide for loggers onto STF Website along with a way for people to use them themselves. Will there be some sort of sign up? Will an electrician be the one to lend them out and set them up?
-Kallie will write-up short case-studies on labs she has measured, including Stephanie’s. These can be testimonials posted onto STF website.
Temperature Controls Update:
-A work order should be submitted to facilities- maybe put this on website for the community.
Newsletter Update:
-Edits: Add a date (Summer 2014)
-Distribution: Link in WHOI Headlines and on STF Website
Ideas for updating STF page with work done over the summer:
-Short summary of each of the case studies highlighted in the newsletter and other projects. For example, one page on data loggers, another page on Atlas Water Filtration. These could be separate links on the page for the WHOI audience to read.
Next Month Agenda:
-Discussion of vehicle transportation between campuses
-Tour at MMA, September 17 (day of meeting)- who can attend?