August 17, 2016
STF Meeting Minutes
Date: August 17th, 2016,
Location: Bigelow 217
Present:, Andrea Harvey, Jeane Hand, Pam Polloni, Bryce Corlett, Ron Reif, Janet Uttaro and Stephanie Madsen
Agenda Item
#1 WSS (WHOI Social Sustainability) – We addressed the need to inventory and label all WSS/Recreational Lawn Games which are located in the new sheds..
- WSS/Recreation Sheds now located on both campuses – one against CRL by soccer field, and one against garden shed on lawn in front of Walsh Cottage. Games include: bocce, corn hole, tennis racquets, balls + volleyballs, horse shoes, badminton
We scheduled new events for August + Sept: Please Join Us!! If anyone would like to add and lead an event, please let me know. Pam mentioned leading a group on the fitness trail (great idea!!)
- Wednesday, August 31 @ Noon - Bocce on the Buttery Lawn
- Thursday, Sept 15 @ 5:00pm -Lawn Games at Walsh Cottage/Garden
- Inventory and label all lawn games in sheds (AH+ JU…Done!)
- Send WSS poster + Headline entry to Joanne Tromp (SM..done)
- Email Janet Fields to help disseminate WSS events (SM)
#2 Power Down Stickers – STF members love the Power Down sticker (Thanks Sean + Dan!) A suggestion was made to add a ‘thumbs down’ on the dude’s right hand, and the group agreed. And group suggested we print at least 2,000 stickers so that we can disseminate and apply ‘everywhere.’ We’ll want to post these stickers by light switches, doorways, laser printers, K-cup machines, drying ovens etc.
- Ask Eric Taylor to add a thumbs down to right hand (SM + ET)
- Order 2000 stickers (DD + SM)
Additional energy related action items:
- Submit Headlines reminding scientists to turn off drying ovens when not in use (SM)
- Insulation at L’Hirondelle (don’t give up Ron! Pam saw truck in Woods Hole…try this vendor. Check with Procurement to see if vendor set up in our books (MA)
#3 : Metering eGauge update:eGauge data is streaming live! (Fenno, Bell, Challenger + Computer Server Room-Scylla Cluster). We discussed options for additional displays of data. Members would like to see data plots over a series of weeks for comparison of energy use during weekends, time of day, and work day.

- Establish host machine for data. Will it be the new VRM machines? Who will cover costs? (DD+ Ron in IS)
- Work on code for software display format for real time data based on STF suggestions (SM + Greg Fiske)
- Send datalogger instructions + energy cost calculator to STF (SM-done)
#4 Clean Energy Center Intern (CEC) – Interns leave for college soon and we are hoping to have benchmark data completed.
- entering 2014 and 2015 utility data into EPA’s benchmark software – this will be a great comparison with 2012 data plotted last year. (work in progress)
- update STF Website / and outdated transportation webpages ( (ran out of time – Steph will work on this with Dina)
- solar parking lot research (Pam agreed to investigate how Falmouth Ice Arena was successful with solar canopies)
- Check in with CEC interns regarding benchmark data progress (SM)
- Steph +Dina discuss website upgrades (DP)
- Investigate solar canopies and whether WHOI should pursue them in Clark Parking Lot (PP)
#5 Compost Signs - Mary Ryther at Compost With Me brought it to our attention that we need more visible signs at our events where composting takes place. The group reviewed sign options such as A-frame designs – large plastic vs. black metal. The A-frame design can be placed outdoors, inside, on tables etc and are more secure in the wind than an easel.
- Inquire about prices for 2 frame models (SM)…Results: The 3' x 2' plastic a-frame is $108.00 and it comes in black or white. The 18" x 24" metal frame is $56.00.
- Buy signs from local vendor (Locust St. Signs) …check with DD first (SM)
- Print out additional signs for our event…Thanks Ron for offering to print + laminate signs! (RR…done!)