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April 20, 2016

STF Meeting Minutes

Date: April 20, 2016

Time: 1:00PM

Location: Bigelow 217

Present: Sebastien Bigorre, Pam Polloni, Patty Mahoney, Andrea Harvey


Meeting minutes from March 1, 2016 were reviewed and accepted.

Agenda Item

1. Composting at WHOIGardens = not an option because there are NO compost piles and 45 gallons per week is too big a volume to maintain (according to Troy who manages the garden at the shipping site). What are alternatives?


  • Ask about increasing composting capacity at the Buttery (Andrea H. to email Dave Derosier about the viability of this increase). Can the Buttery double or even triple its efforts?
  • Find out if the Buttery can even hold additional receptacles for increased food scrap volume, including compostable materials that WHOI employees bring to the site (many buildings are not set up for on-site composting themselves, and it can be challenging to take home scraps for composting).

2. Summary of STF Survey Analysis meeting (which was held on March 30that noon)

  • There was not enough time to do a deep dive into the data, but Sebastien and Andrea pulled out a few observations and shared with the group, including: excellent response rate from WHOI community (15% -- average survey response rate is approximately 10%); popular answers in regard to prioritization of sustainability efforts, which include looking at larger projects (solar panels), employee and community health opportunities, lack of interest in carpooling for the sake of convenience, and lack of awareness of STF website.


  • STF will use this valuable data to leverage future efforts, including: Looking at other institutions’ solar efforts (Pam Polloni suggests researching local Ice Rink and also Cape Air)
    • Ask Dina Pandya and Joanne Tromp if/where the WSS can be posted on the WHOI website and/or on Headlines; ask Joanne if WSS events can be added to WHOI calendar
    •  Carpooling: even though data shows that most people were not interested in carpooling, the STF feels that it is important and will think of ways to facilitate it.
  • Ask Dina if a new survey can be sent out, asking if people are interested in and willing to provide information scheduling (town of residence, email address) for carpooling.
  • Patty Mahoney will look into gathering permission from those who are interested.
  1. Tasks for CEC intern: metering, other, bring suggestions
  • Data analysis would be one project (metering system developed by WHRC staff)
  • Solar research

3. Schedule WSS event – Possibly Tuesday evening (June 7) under tent? If STF ok, start planning, otherwise look for alternatives (e.g. Bocce on Thursday at lunch or after work; Hike on a Wednesday)


  • Look into having a booth set up at the Employee Recognition event on June 7. Volunteers needed to work at the booth (3-5 pm) and talk to WHOI employees about WSS (and STF); we could post information about our efforts, upcoming WSS events, “the rules of Bocce,” etc.; “co-sponsor” of event?
  • Low key event scheduled: Wednesday May 18 (or May 25 as a rain date): potluck and lawn games.
  • Andrea to provide croquet set; Who has Bocce / Petanque sets? Other game ideas?

4. Picnic at the Buttery– pick a date and organize vegetarian potluck


  • Sebastien to email Steve Senior about organizing potluck at the Buttery on May 18 or May 25
  • This is a “sticker opportunity” to place stickers on lunch boxes, reminding people that the box lunch containers are recyclable

5. Recycling cans update by Charlotte & Max (they’ve been working on updating cans by adding single stream sign)

6. Sticker on side of boxed lunches?

  • See item #5

6. Carpool and Green Shuttle rideboard [sp?


  • Discuss at next STF meeting