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April 17, 2024

Attendance: Alex Kinsella, Liz Maloney, Morgan Anthony, Gretchen Swarr, Dina Pandya, Kai
Srisirikul, Alan Gaul, Lanie Plueddemann

#1 Beach cleanups (first Thursday of the month at noon)
• Alan will lead May 2
• Morgan will lead June 6

#2 Lunch and Learns
• Beekeeping LnL was a success and the recording has been uploaded to the website
• Data library/herbarium tour is postponed until summer/fall
• Farming Falmouth: Jeny Christian will present about soil health and conservation on May
9th at noon. Liz will be point of contact. Alan will help with A/V and Zoom for hybrid
presentation. Need to make a flyer and distribute to various lists. The community garden
lists might be particularly fruitful.
• Ideas for future LnL:
• Gretchen: Monarch/pollinator tour. July/Aug/Sep?
• Alan: LnL about Vineyard Wind? Could get a speaker from Orsted/Avangrid/New
Bedford Ocean Cluster. Morgan will follow up with the latter.

#3 Garden updates
• Initial garden planting today at 4 pm
• Please fill out the waiver if you are interested in working on the garden
• Alan: interested in starting a garden behind Oyster Pond with other JP students. Will
coordinate with Kai to check out the site. Maybe a setup event in the summer. He will look
for funding for fence, soil, etc.

#4 Earth Day events
• Dina has drafted an email about plastic waste reduction initiatives. We looked at the email
and suggested some edits. We want to emphasize ways that people can get involved to help.
• Liz is organizing a trash pickup activity on Earth Day. People will organize into teams and
pick up trash at any time of day on either campus, then send in a picture of their haul. Liz
will choose a winning team and feature them. It will be publicized in headlines and on the
events list.

#5 Other ideas/discussion
• Alan mentioned that there has been some confusion about which bin to put compostable
materials at the Buttery. Alex said that he had talked to Koby about it recently and he has
been aware and is improving their system by strategically rearranging bins.
• Megan Amsler is going to start this year’s energy benchmark soon. Alex will put her in
touch with Liz to get the necessary data.
• There was interested expressed at the beekeeping LnL to bring back the repair cafe events.
In the past, they were easy for us to organize because Mike McCarthy was able to find all of
the fixers for the event. We can try contacting him again with a target date of having an
event in September.
• The bike loaner program is up and running. Spread the word to whoever might need a bike
for the summer. We have 40 or so bikes and one costs $20 to rent for the whole summer.
• Alan and Lukas are interested in a bike repair event. Spring or summer would be a good
time to do it. They will need expertise and tools. The Falmouth Bike Lab might be a place
to find those things (apparently they are operational again).
• Bike to work day is May 17th. Should we put out an advertisement in advance?
• Lanie is interested in swap events for items other than clothing, such as books. Gretchen
points out that the challenge is you have to have a plan for what to do with the leftover
stuff afterward.

Our next meeting is Wednesday, May 15th at 1 pm