October 18, 2023
Attendance: Alex Kinsella, Sebastien Bigorre, Liz Maloney, Kai Srisirikul, Pam Polloni, Alan Gaul, Claire Anacreon, Lanie Plueddemann, Susan Sholi, Calvin Quigley
#1 Beach cleanups (first Thursday of the month at noon)
• Pam will lead Nov 2
• Liz will lead December 7
#2 Emma Bullock is doing an art exhibit including environmental activists at the Woods Hole Fire Station Oct 26-27 from 5-7 pm.
• Alex will send the flyer to the STF list.
#3 Dave Derosier and Kathryn Link have talked about presenting the Energy Master Plan to STF and/or the WHOI community.
• Kai will follow up with them about scheduling a Lunch and Learn on this topic.
#4 The WHOI herbarium will eventually need a new collections manager and Pam is looking for funding to support this position.
• The data library currently supports the herbarium
• Pam would like to write a grant for the herbarium but is not allowed to do so herself. Claire offered to help. Pam is planning to work with Jeff Donnelly who has NSF funding.
• Pam will send a report to the biology department and see if they are interested in supporting the herbarium.
#4.5 WHOI invasive plant removal team has been successful the past 3 Tuesdays. Will continue meeting on Tuesdays at 5 pm until daylight savings and then resume next spring.
• This week we removed porcelainberry from next to the Clark parking lot. We’d like to possibly replant this area with a fruit tree. This is in line with our tree planting commitments for new buildings. Blueberries were also suggested.
• Contact Rick Galat and Grafton Briggs to see if they already have a plan.
#5 Lunch and Learn Ideas
• Herbarium/data library tour. Claire and Pam will organize, targeting early November
• Megan Amsler about energy transition programs and heat pumps? Alex will contact her
• EMP presentation by Kathryn Link. Kai will contact her
• Later possibilities:
• Stephanie Madsen about Falmouth sustainability
• Presentations related to edible plants/conservation? Russ Cohen, author of Wild Plants I Have Known and Eaten; Tim Boland, executive director of Polly Hill Arboretum; Someone from Biodiversity Works?
#6 STF event ideas
• Big Game Night. Talk to Dina (suggested by email but wasn’t able to attend)
• WFH sustainability. Talk to Dina (suggested by email but wasn’t able to attend)
• Carpooling. Seb will be point of contact. Make small groups organized by area on Cape? Liz will make a Google Form/Sheet to organize
• Claire has been talking with CDEI and international groups to organize a group singing event at WHOI. Cost is $175 for the event. Natalie Nevarez might be able to fund it through CDEI.