September 20, 2023
Attendance: Sebastien Bigorre, Alex Kinsella, Liz Maloney, Kai Srisirikul, Sebastien Bigorre, Dave Derosier, Pam Polloni, Brady Conlon, Gretchen Swarr, Alan Gaul, Claire Anacreon, Dina Pandya, Ana Velez, Grettel Valverde, Lanie Plueddemann, Susan Sholi
Introductions from each participant.
Quick review of STF accomplishments (Seb): Stephanie’s tenure covered larger projects like solar installations, power purchase agreements to smaller ones like EV charging stations, biking program, lunch and learns, etc. With Stephanie now working as Sustainability Coordinator for the town of Falmouth, it’s a big change for STF. We will continue to work with Facilities, but not quite sure how yet.
Update from facilities: (Dave) :
Put Energy Management Plan (EMP) on STF agenda for meeting soon.
For context, learn about energy usage at WHOI, associated costs and possible savings/improvement program from last month’s presentation of summer CEC interns (also accessible on STF Website > Resources > Lunch & Learn):
Then follow up with last month presentation from outside energy consultant focused on Quissett campus and the EMP to reduce long term energy costs and greenhouse carbon emissions:
Dave hopes to have funding for some STF hours. Will update us.
#1 WHOI Activity Fair report (Seb)
- Fair was yesterday in David Center. Several committees represented. It was interesting to hear about their goals but also some of their functioning structure (e.g. CDEI is a supporting arm for Natalie Nevarez’ work).
- 10 new names signed up for STF email list.
- People interested in biking — are there incentives for biking? There’s interest in bike events like bike to work or repair shops
- Do we have contact with a rep from HR? That could be useful for seeing what programs exist or could exist.
- Gretchen: There’s an organization (BayStateCommute: where you record hours that you bike or walk, carpool, use mass transit, instead of drive, and you get points for coupons (maybe WorkFromHome credit). Seb also used it: easy to sign up and log commutes.
- Question from fair: Are there village tours for new employees? Not that we know of. Ask Joanne Tromp from information office? Dave says to distribute these ideas to the appropriate committees to maybe get access to funding.
- Susan: Should people start on regular days each month? Then you can have an orientation tour and meet more new hires. Dave says he can take that on.
- There’s a new commuting program called Total Rewards.
#2 Seb: Beach cleanup first Thursday of each month at noon; meet at gate by Shore Lab.:
- Alex will lead Oct 5.
- Pam will do November (Nov 2nd).
#3 Gretchen has sign for monarch butterfly station. Facilities will help with installation.
#4 Seb: There’s an art exhibit by Emma Bullock (JP student) on Oct 26-27 at the WHOI Community Hall that will showcase activists, including environmentalists. She may need help with the $125 reservation fee.
#5 Alan and Cora will do an edible plants walk at 4 pm on Oct 2. They are all set with flyer.
#6 Broader ideas for STF?
- Seb: should we create an arm for fundraising/grants to allow for bigger projects?
- Invasive plant patrol around WHOI campus
- Susan: This could include education about home gardens. She knows someone who could come give a talk. This could potentially be a Lunch n Learn.
- Claire: Biodiversity Works from MV could also come talk. And watch out for natives when we remove invasives.
- Susan: After-work activities may be better for some, especially because of WFH. But Gretchen points out this doesn’t work for people with children. So events like this might be better at a variety of times of day, and varieties of days too.
- Initial meeting will be Wed 9/27 at noon. Meet outside Mclean to go to herbarium and then walk around campus. Alex will advertise to the community.
- Seb: Carpooling initiative? Can start with one colleague, one day a week.
- Seb: Videos for recycling and composting at WHOI?
- Carbon neutrality subgroup
- Ana: Make more information available about carbon neutral travel.
- Alex: Would like to inspire more climate action at WHOI.
- Claire: Interested in doing some research on carbon neutrality.