March 14, 2023
Attendance: Dina Pandya, Gretchen Swarr, Sebastien Bigorre, Jed Goldstone, Liz Maloney, Kai Srisirikul, Stephanie Madsen
#1 Energy Efficiency Building Challenge – share February results and spin for raffle winners.
Raffle Winners for Feb = Kali Horn, Zachary Grace, Dan Fougere, Justin Ossolinski
This announcement was posted in Headlines:
February energy reduction results are in! The winners for the medium and small building categories were again the Major Warehouse with a 29% decrease in electricity use in Feb 2023 compared with Feb 2022, and Nobska House with an incredible 48% decrease! Because the occupants of these buildings have already gotten to enjoy their free coffee, we’ve decided to give the prize this month to the second place buildings in each category.
In the medium category that’s the Distribution Center on Quissett Campus who decreased their electric use 17%. And in the small building category it’s the Carpenters Shop who dropped their electric use by 30% by closing their high bay door.
Distribution and Carpenters Shop occupants will get a free fancy coffee or beverage at the Buttery. Please notify the person at the register that you won the Energy Efficiency Challenge for your building for the month of February. Prizes must be redeemed by March 15th. We’ll announce the March challenge winners in mid-April. To review building kWh details, click here.
- Contact 4 raffle winners - $50 giftcards. Winners are Kali Horn, Zachary Grace, Dan Fougere, Justin Ossolinski (SM-done)
- Submit Headlines announcing Building energy Challenge 2nd place winners – QFB + Distribution Center (LM-done)
- Buy gift cards for winners (SM)
#2 WSS = WHOI Social Sustainability Events: WC (Women’s Committee) wants to partner with us for WSS events. We are adding a Ocean Plunge to the end of the next Mindful Meander.
- Mindful Meander 3rd one is Thursday, April 13th at 12:15 (Fenno House by fireplace in big lobby) led by TerraCorps Member (The 300 Committee Landtrust) Leader: Will Poirier, T3C-TerraCorps Member, 401-369-1627
- Will plans to highlight a different meditation technique than he covered during our previous 2 meanders.
- We will morph the mindful meander with an optional swim to follow. The Women’s Committee will sponsor the swim, but we’ll combine efforts by meditating then plunging in the ocean together (swimming is optional).
- DEI Event: May 11 4-6 TGIT – need STF volunteers to manage lawn games at event. Board games if it’s a rainy evening.
- Add a Heat Pump-Mini Split Lunch n Learn – waiting for Liz M to receive her MassSave Rebate (*Liz received rebate on March 10th)
- Earth Day – Keith Ritchie was planning an Earth Day Celebration at Falmouth’s Marine Park but the event was cancelled because the corporate sponsors pulled out. Hopefully it will happen next year!
- Act as Motivators at the DEI Event on May 11 = encourage people to participate in lawn games (Liz + Mallory)
- Create Mindful Meander + Ocean Plunge poster (LM)
- Schedule a Heat Pump Lunch n Learn (LM)
- DEI Event –Celebrating Humans of WHOI Event poster (SM+ Maggie)
#3 Garden cleanup – STF Garden Plot needs some TLC. The following STF members would like to help out in 2023: Mallory, Liz, Gretchen, Kai, Katie Squires, Stephanie, Seb?
- Meet for a cleanup prep day (date tbd)
- Map out what to plant
- Create a watering weekly schedule
#4 Beach Clean-up Shore Lab - Monthly – We need Volunteers to join the leaders! STF is partnering with T3C + WHOI neighbors to clean up the beach on the first Thursday of each month at noon. Meet at Gate by Shore Lab. Leaders for Beach Cleanups include:
- April 6, Thursday – Grad Students?
- May 4th, Thursday -
- June 1 – Women’s Committee?
#5 Conferences + Webinars:
- Recharge America – MassEvolves EV Conference – Wednesday, April 12 at UMass Boston (Liz, Seb + Steph registered to attend) We are inviting your organization to submit a short video to be featured during the annual Recognition Ceremony at the Recharge Massachusetts Symposium on April 12, 2023 at the University of Massachusetts Boston!
- Plan transportation to conference (Liz, Steph + Seb)
#6 Energy Updates: solar, LEDs + Energy Master Plan (EMP)
- Discuss preliminary EMP findings:
- Solar: David Center rooftop (QRF)- solar contract signed. Installation starts June 2023- delays with Mass
DPU + Eversource permitting. Stay Tuned
- NQSF rooftop – contract signed. Installation starts June 2023
- QRF/David Center – contract signed. Installation starts in June 2023 if DPU issue is resolved
- LEDs – replacing LED fixtures in 49 Buildings. Wicked Watts is finishing up Quissett Buildings then will complete Village Campus buildings in Feb+ March 2023
- Energy Audits in Residential Office + Commercial Buildings will be conducted this fall 2022 – Swift, Vincent, Winding Lane suite, Bowen, Nobska, 38 Water St.
- Meet Sam Pillsbury from Revision at QRF/David Center to allow roof access – April 12 at 10:00 (Kai or Justin)
- Site plans to Tiffani at Revision solar (Kai)
#7 New Business- ESL solar water engineering design experiment with CEC summer interns
- Work with Megan Amsler, Kai, Rick Galat + Seb to design solar hot water heater at ESL. Create a team (SM)