November 16, 2022
Attendance: Connor Ahearn, Gretchen Swarr, Mallory Kastner, Mike Weir, Dina Pandya, Liz Maloney, Stephanie Madsen
#1 We Brainstormed Games/Competitions to cut carbon emissions for Building occupants. WHOI’s electricity bill is increasing by ~$1,000,000/annually. Let’s be creative and incentivize employees to decrease energy use.
So many clever ideas were contributed that will motivate employees to cut usage including:
- Freezer Day – everyone vacuums/maintains freezer, followed by liquid Nitrogen ice cream social at the Buttery
- Fridge/Freezer Maintenance flyer/sticker for all freezers on campus w QR code to How To video
- Building Challenge – decrease monthly kwh by set amount compared to 5 year building average. Incentive with free coffee (at the Buttery)
- After 6 months, cumulative winner gets picnic (maybe Peter will sponsor this?)
- Showcase Tracked monthly usage/building on white board at the Buttery
- Use some sort of visual sticker system – smiley face if decrease, sad face for increase? This affects behavior according to social science
- Raffle – Anyone actively decreasing energy use can put their name (and energy action) in a raffle jar (online google form) and win prizes (honor system)
- Analyze 5 year energy data and determine reasonable kwh goals per building (SM + LM)
- Discuss prizes – coffee, picnic lottery etc with Dave D, i.e. can Facilities fund this? (SM)
- Create freezer/fridge flyer + sticker (LM, MK + SM)
- Create How To video – how to do preventative maintenance on a freezer/fridge (MK, LM, SM)
- Determine Lottery prizes (SM, CH)
#2 Monarch Butterfly WayStation update by Gretchen Swarr –
- We’ll focus on the WH Village Pollinator Garden (not Quissett) since there are so many native species attracting the butterflies already. Gretchen will secure additional required milkweed to meet the WayStation standards.
- Write to Lauren LeVeque, the Pollinator Garden, designer and inquire about adding milkweed to garden (GS+ SM)
- Apply for plants and WayStation status (GS)
#3 WSS (WHOI Social Sustainability) – Events that increase social connections
- Lunch n Learn – Sustainable Seafood Consumption (Monday, Feb 6 at noon)
- Decide on Title for talk – Sustainable Seafood Consumption – the good, the bad, and the ugly (or algae?). Send ideas to Mallory!
- Create zoom link for the lunch n learn (LM)
- Design the LnL poster (MK)
- Send flyer for edits to Mike, Liz, Tracey, and Steph (MK)
#4 Beach Clean-up Shore Lab - Monthly –STF is partnering with T3C + WHOI neighbors to clean up the beach on the first Thursday of each month at noon. Meet at Gate by Shore Lab. Leaders for Beach Cleanups include:
- Dec 1, Thursday – Steph
- Jan 5, Thursday - Steph
- Encourage your coworkers and lab mates to help out…it’s always fun! (All)
#5 Energy Updates: solar, LEDs + Energy Master Plan (EMP)
- Solar installation scheduled to occur winter 2023 on:
- David Center rooftop (QRF)
- NQSF rooftop – will export and schedule Z to CRL possibly
- LEDs – replacing LED fixtures in 49 Buildings. Wicked Watts is finishing up Quissett Buildings then will complete Village Campus buildings in Jan + Feb 2023
- Energy Audits in Residential Office + Commercial Buildings will be conducted this fall 2022 – Swift, Vincent, Winding Lane suite, Bowen, Nobska, 38 Water St.
- EMP on target for February-March completion. BR+A is focusing on Quissett Campus
- Work with our consultants to provide data (SM+ KS)
#6 New Business -
No new business