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March 20, 2019

Attendance: Pam Polloni, Dina Pandya, Stephanie Madsen, Manyu Belani

 #1  Solar Workshop Update – event will be held in Losos on Friday, May 17th from 12-2pm

STF is offering a hands-on Solar Workshop to teach participants how to wire charging applications to a small solar panel. Come learn wiring basics and soon you'll be charging batteries or your cell phone while you're off the grid.

  • 10 spots available - we’ll post a rsvp page


  • Subcommittee meets Tuesday, April 9 at 1:00pm in Losos
  • Add Manyu to group list (SM)
  • Create flyer + rsvp google form (KG – done)

 #2 Sustainability Conference - $45 registration fee

Stephanie will be taking Peter Pan bus to the event.

#3  Green It Forward – We announced the selected first winner Christina Hernandez!

Awards will be given quarterly, so please nominate a coworker, visit:


  • Frame certificate, deliver to Christina + let her pick a prize (SM + HH)
  • Add to STF Blog, announce on Headlines + generate a flyer (HH)



# 4  WSS Events

  • Grumpy’s Dance Party for Open Space - The 300 Committee sponsored fun-raiser with Puffy Elvis - Friday, March 22 5-9pm.
  • MacDaddy Event – Mac n Cheese contest at WH Coffee O- Sunday, March 31 5:00-7;00pm
  • Lunch and Learn with Paris Smalls, JP Student. Thursday, April 4th at 12:15-Carriage House. Turning abandoned oil rigs into self-powered geothermal data centers
  • Winter lectures - topics include oceans, birds, and wild landscapes
  • Mid- May (tbd) Bike to Work Week
  • Mid-May Bird Walk with Mike Tucker
  • Compost With Me field trip – sometime in June


  • Lots to do – make flyers, advertise in Headlines (SM, HH + All)

#5  EV Charging Station Update – School Street and Clark lots- the Charging pedestal at School St. should be up and running within 2 weeks.  Clark lot is behind schedule – we are waiting for Eversource to complete a task.


Falmouth Selectwoman Sue Moran would like WHOI, MBL and any other entity in Falmouth presently participating in the Electric Vehicle (EV) Make Ready Program through Eversource to help create an event to publicize the program. For details pertaining to the EV Make Ready Program select this link:

Sue imagines that we could meet at noon sometime at the end of April in Falmouth or Woods Hole to celebrate and advertise the EV Make Ready Program. Eversource will be in attendance, with the hopes that WHOI and MBL will offer testimonials and encourage other businesses, schools, institutions to participate in the program. Sue plans to invite media outlets.


  • Help Sue Moran plan EV Event on April 24 11:00am (SM + others)
  • Submit work order for installation of pedestal (SM)
  • Submit advertisement of pedestals in Headlines (SM)

#6 New Business:

  •  A Woodcock bird was spotted in drainage area by base of MRF steps – Facilities has been notified and efforts will be made to protect it and its habitat
  • Casual Carpooling – Can we SLUG at WHOI?  We discussed options for possibly implementing slugging from Clark to Village. It will have to be a non-whoi thing…need to discuss more