January 16, 2019
Attendance: Pam Polloni, Seb Bigorre, Dina Pandya, Cassia Armstrong, Stephanie Madsen
#1 Carpooling Events with MassRides – Feb. 21-Meet Your Match (12:15-1:00 Swope) + Feb. 28 Try It Day (7:30 – 10:00am Redfield Lobby)
- Disseminate flyers after Kyle drafts them (SM)
- Reserve Redfield Lobby for Thursday, Feb 28 7:30am-10:00am (SB – done)
- Headlines + Announcements, Add to STF Website Calendar (SM)
#2 Solar Technology for Anyone Workshop. Generate solar power with one panel to charge your phone, batteries, equipment, etc.
- Seb and Kayleah are working with Matt Palanza in AOP+E to set up date, time, location and content of solar workshop
- Pick a date and time and work backwards (SB + KG) MAY 17 12:00-2:00
#3 Green It Forward Program – We have officially launched the program! See the nomination link on the STF website https://web.whoi.edu/sustainability/green-it-forward/
- Pick a winner quarterly (Steph, Dina + Helen)
- Purchase gifts for winners (HH)
- Post winner and kudos on Headlines and STF website (HH + DP)
- Photograph winner with prize if they approve (Cassia)
# 4 WSS Events - looking for volunteers to sponsor new social events; lawns games, hikes, bike rides etc
- Multi-cultural potluck – Kayleah + Helen working with Dan Lowenstein on a Diversity event (possibly showing the movie Selma).
- Debrief - T3C Lunch n Learn with Jessica Whritenour – Wednesday, Jan. 9- Carriage House at 12:15-
- Stretch Code/Green Communities Lunch n Learn with Seth Pickering (he’s available- schedule event for Feb)
- Reschedule the Compost With Me field trip – we decided to wait until spring
- Climate Coffee Chat – Drawdown book discussion (tbd)
- Star Gazing event was suggested – Marcy at T3C (DP)
- Schedule stretch code Lunch n Learn with Seth Pickering (SM)
- Work on creating a climate coffee chat based on the new Drawdown book - perhaps structure it like the Communi-Teas- intro with break out discussion groups (SM + CA)
- Advertise T3C walks and talks (SM)
- Schedule a star gazing event - Dina talk to Marcy for suggestions (DP)
- Advertise Grumpy’s event - T3C fun-raiser with Puffy Elvis - March 22 5:00-9:00pm
#5 Electric Vehicle Charging Station Update (EV Make Ready Program)
- Shiverick Lot chargers back up and running
- Installation update of 2 new charging ports at School St. + 2 at Clark (front parking lot by MRF path)- waiting for permitting
#6 Pollinator Garden at Shiverick Lot – planning phase for garden contest
- Make this #1 on the agenda next month - we didn’t have time to talk about it in detail
#7 Mak Saito’s fume hood alarm gadget
- Make this #2 on agenda next month - ran out of time
#8 New Business