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July 20, 2016

STF Meeting Minutes

Date: July 20th, 2016,

Location: MRF 204

Present: Dave Derosier, Sean Medeiros, Dan Lopes, Dina Pandya, Patty Mahoney, Ann Devenish, Sebastien Bigorre, Andrea Harvey, Kevin Kavanagh, Brianna Pingree (CEC intern) and Stephanie Madsen

Agenda Item

#1  WSS (WHOI Social Sustainability) – Events have been going great! We held many in July and enjoyed meeting new people!

  • WSS/Recreation Sheds now located on both campuses – one against CRL by soccer field, and one against garden shed on lawn in front of Walsh Cottage. Games include: bocce, corn hole, tennis racquets, balls + volleyballs, horse shoes, badminton


  • Need to schedule August WSS events..Ken – tag?.  Check out Headlines for future event dates!
  • Email Janet Fields to help disseminate WSS events (SM)


#2  Power Down Stickers – We discussed options for encouraging people to decrease energy use, and immediately following our meeting, both Dan + Sean designed a Power Down sticker:


  • Eric Taylor will draft final copy for print (SM + ET)
  • Order #__? (DD + SM)


#3  Clean Energy Center Intern (CEC) – Brianna Pingree attended our meeting and gave us an update on their progress with the following items:

  • monitoring eGauge metering data at Bell, Challenger, Fenno + Server room in Clark. Analyze for inconsistencies and identify ways to save money on energy bill.
  • entering 2014 and 2015 utility data into EPA’s benchmark software – this will be a great comparison with 2012 data plotted last year.
  • update STF Website / and outdated transportation webpages (
  • solar parking lot research


  • Dina meet with interns to discuss website upgrades (DP)


#4 : Metering eGauge update:eGauge data is streaming live! (Fenno, Bell, Challenger + Computer Server Room-Scylla Cluster).


  • Establish host machine for data. Will it be the new VRM machines? Who will cover costs? (DD+ Ron in IS)
  • Work on code for software display format for real time data (SM + Greg Fiske)

These are the displays set up now (1:30pm on Thursday, Aug. 11, 2016)


#5  Bike Update  Capital Budget Proposal has been submitted (Steph + Rick)

  • Proposed bike enclosure (30 bikes) x 2 locations (Quissett Campus + Village)- stay tuned


  • Valerie requested covered bike storage at dorms  (DP?)
  • Add bike racks to the following locations: Fenno, Smith, Bigelow, Dorms, Redfield,  (RG)


#6 Town of Falmouth Energy update- A few members met with Paul Gentile, Town of Falmouth Energy Manager, to gather more information about project options. Very informal info gathering phase. Learned a lot about the town’s successes!


#7 Building Reps Update- We discussed a need for Building Reps to meet again to share successes and insights.


  • Schedule follow up meeting (SM) – Done – we met on July 29th and shared documents to post at each of our buildings.
  • Share buildings savings data with WHOI community…such as Watson upgrades that save us $70,000 a year in utility bills. Great job Dave + Rick!!