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July 17, 2024

Attendance: Alex Kinsella, Liz Maloney, Sebastien Bigorre, Dina Pandya, Lanie Plueddemann,
Carolina Camargo, Morgan Anthony

#1 Beach cleanups (first Thursday of the month at noon)
• Stephanie Murphy and Dina will lead Aug 1
• Lanie will lead September 5

#2 Lunch and Learns
• Farming Falmouth LnL went well
• They are always looking for volunteers (Mondays maybe?). Low commitment. See
their website.
• The talk is recorded and on the STF website. Check it out!
• Beekeeping LnL had great attendance and the recording is on the website.
• Presentation by someone at Biodiversity Works on the Vineyard — Claire might have
• Sebastien knows a doctor named Kumara Sidhartha who could talk about nutrition and
healthy cooking. Seb will reach out.
• What’s the policy on promoting a book at a WHOI event?
• Most likely it is fine. There have been other book promotion events.
• It would be good to be able to offer an honorarium for a presentation like this. Work
on getting an events budget.

#3 Garden updates
• Garden is growing well this year! Much better than last year.
• There may be other garden plots that are occupied by people that would appreciate help/
sharing because of e.g. cruises.
• To get on the waitlist for plots, you can contact Amber York (village plots) or Troy Kelly
(North Quissett plots).

#4 Energy Master Plan updates
• Presentation to the board will be tomorrow(?). Liz will get a report on how it goes.
• After the board is briefed, we can follow up with Dave D and Kathryn L to see if they will
present the plan to the WHOI community.

#5 KidWind 2024 will be on 7/25: Alex
• A day where high schoolers from underrepresented backgrounds get to come to WHOI for
a day of talks and hands-on activities.
• Alex will lead the activities along with Megan Amsler.

#6 Tree grove outside LOSOS: Seb
• Cool aerial photos of WHOI through the years! They show that a large portion of forest
was removed to build LOSOS, QRF, etc. This motivates planting new trees.
• 6 trees were planted in 2018, but two died and the others are unhealthy. We need more
planning and expertise for future trees.
• Do we have volunteers to work on these trees?
• Alex and Lanie said they would be involved
• Seb: Email the STF list to gauge interest in volunteering
• Alex: Also would like to plant a fruit tree in the corner by the Clark parking lot. Talk to Rick
G about that when we are organizing the LOSOS plantings.

#7 Restarting invasive plant removal
• Jump in the ocean after pulling! Good motivator.
• Seb points out that there are lots of invasives along the edge of the Clark lot.
• Tuesday or Thursday at the end of the work day would be good. Alex prefers Thursdays.
• Alex will organize and email the STF list.

#8 Other ideas/discussion
• Talk to Alex B about rescheduling the fish movie? Alex K will reach out.
• Schedule a repair cafe this year?
• Lanie: Clothing and fabric repair cafe?
• Could ask sailing crew? A lot of them knit on cruises
• Liz says she knows the person who organizes the crew and can reach out to them.
• Carolina points out that much of the WHOI community doesn’t know about STF or its
activities. How do we get the word out better?
• CEC interns: what do we want them to do while they are here?
• Sustainability pop up in Clark or village?
• Paint the freezer by the ballfield?
• Liz will follow up with Megan Amsler about energy benchmark.
• Organize a bird walk or plant walk?
• Bird walk would be best in the morning, maybe around 8 am. Can we offer coffee?

Our next meeting is Wednesday, August 21st at 1 pm