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May 17, 2023

Attendance: Jed Goldstone, Dina Pandya, Alex Kinsella, Tracy Sylvester, Gretchen Swarr, Stephanie Murphy, Connor Ahearn, Kat Parise, Hilary Dupre, Liz Maloney, Stephanie Madsen


#1  Boat Shrink Wrap Recycling – Stephanie Murphy with SeaGrant gave an update, highlighting the newest drop-off location in Falmouth. Republic takes the plastic recycling which stays in the US or Canada.

She received a grant to research plastic alternatives for local restaurants and businesses – SeaGrant project


#2  Bike to Work Day – Wednesday, May 17th 7:30-9:00am!! It was great to see colleagues and community friends at the Depot Ave Bikeways table!


#3 WSS = WHOI Social Sustainability Events:

  • May 10 @ 4:05 Edible Invasive plant walk with Alan Gaul – meet at Fenno Lobby (check out the pics in Whoi internal/Around WHOI folder)
  • Tuesday, June 13th at 12:15 Fenno Lobby - Mindful Meander #4
  • Central Energy Plant (CEP) Tour – end of June (schedule it) + make video
  • Bird Walk – Alex Kinsella. Scheduled Wednesday, July 19th at 4:00. Meet Fenno Lobby
  • Clothing Swap – May 25 5:00-7:00 Clark 507


  • Create bird walk flyer (LM)
  • Select date for the Central Energy Plant (CEP) tour (SM)
  • Disseminate clothing swap flyer (SM)
  • Create CEP video (CEC interns?)


#4  Beach Clean-up Shore Lab - Monthly – We need Volunteers to join the leaders! STF is partnering with T3C + WHOI neighbors to clean up the beach on the first Thursday of each month at noon. Meet at Gate by Shore Lab. Leaders for Beach Cleanups include:

  • Special one on Wednesday, May 24 with Salient – Ray Schmidt spinoff Company
  • June 1, Thursday – Steph
  • July 6- (steph out) – Stephanie Murphy will lead and Seb
  • August 3-(steph out)- Alex Kinsella will lead
  • Sept 7- Communications Dept?


  • Dina -check with Comms Team to see if Sept 7 cleanup works (DP)


#5  Energy Updates: solar, LEDs + Energy Master Plan (EMP)

  • EV Chargers were added to the David Center April 3rd
  • Weatherization installations completed in 8 buildings. They include: The Winding Lane buildings (516, 514, 512, 518), Bowen, Nobska, Swift, Vincent House
  • Solar: David Center rooftop (QRF)- solar contract signed. Installation starts June 2023- delays with Mass   DPU + Eversource permitting. Stay Tuned
  • NQSF rooftop – contract signed. Installation starts June 2023
  • QRF – David Center – Revision visiting April 12th, Permit applications have been signed
  • LEDs – Wicked Watts finished replacing LED fixtures in 49 Buildings. This big accomplishment took over 4 years of work!


#6 New Business      - 

  • Monarch Butterfly Waystation update – Gretchen Swarr planted at least 32 milkweed plants in the Village Pollinator Garden, STF Garden Plot #23 and the surrounding area. She also applied for Waystation Status with Monarch Watch
  • Tracy Sylvester suggested we identify a fish coop pick up location in Falmouth for Chatham Fish Harvesters


Add this to next month’s agenda. We ran out of time.