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October 19, 2022

Attendance: Connor Ahearn, Gretchen Swarr, Jed Goldstone, Mallory Kastner, Dina Pandya Hilary Dupre, Lauren Dykman, Kai Srisirikul, Liz Maloney, Stephanie Madsen


#1 Liz created a Sustainability Page/flyer for WHOI hosted conference organizers + participants. The team suggested edits.


·         Add green-sustainable transportation to the flyer (LM)

·         Disseminate flyer – Admin Pros (LM)

·         Add to STF website in pdf form (LM + DP)

#2 Recharge Massachusetts Symposium: Exploring Electric Vehicle Innovation, Access, and Opportunity

·         November 2, 2022, Postponed until April 12th, 2023 8 AM - 5 PM, University of Massachusetts Boston, Campus Center Ballroom

·         Steph, Seb + Liz plan to attend


·         Let Steph know if you would like to attend April 12th


#3  EMP- The Energy Master Plan (EMP) launch for WHOI officially began on Thursday, Oct. 6 with our consultants CES + BR+A.

·         We hope to have guidelines, timelines, cost estimates, and goal recommendations from CES + BR+A completed within 6 months (February -March timeline)


·         Lots of tasks and site visits Oct27+28 with Steph as POC (SM+Kai)

·         Building drawings, controls + ECMs (Kai)


#4  Monarch Butterfly WayStation – Gretchen Swarr described the criteria for designating gardens as Waystations. We thought the tall native grasses between MRF + Watson, and the Village Pollinator Garden-Garden plots would qualify.


·         Check out Village Garden Plots + Pollinator Garden to determine if 10 milkweed plants are on site. (GS)

·         Talk to Rick Galat + Grafton Briggs about waiting until late Oct annually before mowing MRF-Watson (SM)

·         Apply for WayStation designation at 2 WHOI sites (GS)

·         Create signage that reads ‘Butterfly WayStation’ – Do not mow until late October’ (SM+GS)


#5  WSS  (WHOI Social Sustainability) – We discussed events that increase social connections

·         Activity Fair – Tuesday, Sept 20, 2022 2:00-4:30 was held in Clark 507. Location and day of week/time worked well.

·         EV Car Show in the Fall (pick a date)- we decided to wait since there are long waitlists for EVs in the market right now.

·         Lunch n Learn – Sustainable Fisheries (tbd)- Mallory working with Mike Weir and local Tracy to organize

·         Braiding Sweetgrass book discussion – DAC sponsored. Steph and Lauren are leading the book discussion at the Falmouth Library’s Hermann Room on Tuesday, Nov 1 at 6:00pm (SM+LD)


·         Schedule Sustainable Fisheries lunch n learn with Tracy + Mike Weir. Hilary Dupre offered to help too (MK+HD)

·         Advertise Braiding Sweetgrass book discussion + Wampanoag Dancers (LM, SM)

·         Plan another Repair Café with Tech Group – Avast will host (LM)



#6 Beach Clean-up Shore Lab - Monthly –STF is partnering with T3C + WHOI neighbors to clean up the beach on the first Thursday of each month at noon. Meet at Gate by Shore Lab. The monthly cleanup runs all year rain or shine

·         Nov 3, Thursday – Mallory offered to lead

·         Dec 1, Thursday – Steph will lead


·         Update Beach Cleanup flyer + remove mask text (LM)

·         Send reminder + confirm leaders (SM)


#7 Energy Updates: solar, LEDs + Energy Master Plan (EMP) Solar – check out Meteor House solar production at

·         next project CRL-RCRC (expected this fall 2022)- contract signed

·         CRL Roof quality didn’t meet needed standards

·          David Center rooftop (QRF) is next – we are ready to sign a contract for

·         NQSF rooftop – will export and schedule Z to CRL

·         Heat pump custom rebate from Nat Grid/Mass Save- We are moving forward with Heat Pumps in Swift House and Vincent House (Audit + insulate happens first!)

·         LEDs – replacing LED fixtures in an additional 20 of our residential buildings + USGS (22 buildings have already been done) Total installs = 49 Buildings and $1.2 million in rebates!

·         Energy Audits in Residential Office + Commercial Buildings will be conducted this fall 2022 – Swift, Vincent, Winding Lane suite, Bowen, Nobska, 38 Water St.

Add to next month’s Agenda:

·         Building wide competition to decrease energy use – create a game like type of motivator for EE. i.e. Clark Bldg: take kwh use in Dec 2021 and challenge them to decrease kwh by 100kwh in 2022? If they do, host a bbq or TGIF?



·         Focus more energy on creating an Energy Reduction Game


#8  New Business     -


MassSave Climate Leader Event – Nov. 8th at Noon in Fenno Lobby



·         Make a flyer invite (SM)