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July 23, 2009


Ann Miller, David Derosier, Liz Caporelli, Ronald Reif, Dina Pandya, Holly Moeller, Kim Grodzki, Trish White, Tina Betti, Valerie Caron, Rich Lovering, Steve Molyneaux, Eric Drange, Ken Friend II, Mary Murphy, Paul Avery

Introductions and overview

Introductions and overview of old and new members and brief overview of TF activities to date.
Discussion on additional members:
- Marine Policy: Mary Schumacher
- G&G? MCG? Current TF members will contact these departments.

Trish White suggested that new members read over the Charge on the website and allow people to provide comments and suggested changes. The STF agreed that the Charge can be changed and reworded without approval from the Directorate.

Governor?s Clean Energy Challenge

Dave Derosier reported that Facilities has been notified by the Governor’s Clean Energy Challenge. Dave will provide an update and details at the August meeting.

Web site review

  • Reviewed the website:
  • Blog: Dina gave an overview and lesson on posting a blog on the site. We need to generate some interest to post to this site. From the last meeting: The information will include: Energy Saving Tips for WHOI Headlines; past, present, and future energy saving efforts along with conservation measures that have taken place, are ongoing, or planned for the future. TF members would decide what information on the Blog would be moved to the website. Kim has agreed to edit and format information from Facilities and has asked Ernie for this information.
  • Check List/Pledge: The TF will continue to review the check list for each department and provide this information to departments once we go ‘public’ with STF information.
  • Green Committees: Will be posted on the website and people have volunteered to assist each section.
  • Meeting Information: Next meeting: Thursday August 27, 2009 11:10 a.m. MRF 204. The meetings for the next few months are posted and rooms reserved.

Next steps

  • TF members will contact departments for additional representation.
  • Roll out plan: Members decided that we should gather more information and post this on the web before we go ‘public’. Target date is in September.
  • Members start posting to the blog and information is collected as listed.

Next meeting agenda items

  • Update from Facilities on Governors Green Energy Challenge
  • Review green teams and blog
  • Plan for generating information on the blog
  • Identify tasks and target dates for Green Committees
  • Identify steps and dates for rollout plan
  • Discussion on how we will conduct ourselves.. Voting, quorum..