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January 14, 2010

Liz Caporelli, Leanora Posson, Rich Lovering, Laurie Thompson, John Brinckerhoff, Valerie Caron, Dina Pandya, Paul Avery, Steve Molyneaux, Margaret Sulanowska, Patricia White, Dave Derosier, Pat Lake, Ann Miller, Kim Grodzki, Jonathan Murray, Tina Betti

Next Meeting
Feb. 18, 2010 11:30 a.m. MRF 204
2010 meeting dates are posted on the website.

Buy Fresh Buy Local Seminar
Dina Pandya gave an update on the Buy Fresh Buy Local event. An email flyer was sent to all the APs to distribute to their departments, as well as the Joint Program students and Postdocs. The flyer was also sent to the WHRC, MBL, USGS and the MBL Classifieds. John Brinkerhoff has taken care of room set up and refreshments.

Ann Miller
Chris Winslow, CFO is taking the initiative to “green” Challenger by switching out bottled water, no disposable cups or silverware.

Food & Water
Working on collecting data on bottled vs filtered water. Are looking into chemistry of our water.

Rich Lovering met with Dennis to discuss sustainability purchasing. Gave recommendation on ideas for sustainably purchasing using a 3% margin of cost.  30% recycled paper, recycle items for break rooms, drop delivery from 5-4 days.
Team members will talk to WB at information event.

Valerie Caron
Ideas for disposal of CFLs. Information on town collection of used CFLs and other haz material.

Task of GT
Will gather information on CFL disposal. Dave will talk to Stock Room about supplying CFLs and disposal.

The Communication GT meet with the Communication Department about creating an Event Announcement email distribution list in lieu of printing flyers. The Communications Department will review this idea with specific groups at WHOI that don't have access to computers and develop guidelines for these announcements. The Communications GT worked with Stephanie Murphy on the STF Announcement that will be one of Susan Avery's upcoming weekly updates.

Task for each GT
GT will bring one tip to each meeting to share. Tips will be in Headlines and posted on the website.

Headlines ideas
What people are doing on ships to be green. How to get ships and techs involved and green suggestions for scientists.