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July 16, 2014

STF Meeting Minutes

July 16, 2014
MRF 204

In Attendance:  Stephanie Madsen, Jonathan Murray, Kallie Leschen-Lindell, Dina Pandya

Atlas Water Filtration System Update:

-We have a list of the floors/ departments that qualify for making the switch from Poland Springs to a water filtration system based on the monthly cost

-Kallie has contacted the Dept Admins of these locations and the majority are interested in making the switch, but the problem is there is no water source. Ask Dave whether it is possible to get plumbing to these locations or not? Goal: We want to be able to quantify our savings from before and after making the switch so those numbers can be recorded.

Data Loggers Update:

-We have several data loggers from Onset that will help us with baseline measurements, but at the moment we are missing a crucial piece. Kallie and Jonathan are looking into getting that piece next week.

Electric Car Charging Station:

-Kallie has been in touch with Megan Amsler from the Falmouth Energy Committee and is still trying to clarify whether there is still funding available from the town for WHOI to get 2 parking spots or whether we would need to start from scratch.

Information gathered from Mass Maritime Academy visit:

-This week, Steph, Dina, Liz and Kallie met with Kathy Driscoll at MMA to discuss some of the energy projects they have implemented.

-MMA has signed EXEC 484 (Lead By Example Governor’s Challenge)- Would WHOI want to sign this?

-What alternative ways are there to save on electricity? Is it possible to enter reverse auctioning to pay a lower price per kWh? World Energy ( runs online auctions for electricity where suppliers bid against each other, driving down the price. MMA switches suppliers every couple years and are paying significantly less for their electricity. Would WHOI be interested in this?

-Early investigation into solar panels in parking lots modeled after Falmouth Ice Arena. In addition, look into whether WHOI is footing the bill for keeping the parking lot lights on all night in the village when it is the town that requires this for safety.

-Kathy Driscoll recommended sub-metering as a priority for WHOI. MMA has sub-metered every building and it feeds into a dashboard system that anyone can access. We will look into getting a quote on how much it might take to do this.