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The MIT-WHOI Joint Program is a renowned program for ocean/Earth sciences, or, at least, it is among oceanographers. We would like it to be known more widely.  Part of enhancing diversity in the geosciences involves getting the word out about opportunities in the field: You can enter a graduate program and not enter into debt. You don’t need to be an ocean scientist to learn to be one. You are welcome here.

The CDEI has a small team that has been working on a newsletter called Through the Portholeand the inaugural issue is here! The first issue celebrates Black History Month! The feature article focuses on the contributions of four Black geoscientists. We also spotlight our own Paris Smalls: Through the Porthole director, PhD candidate, and green energy CEO!

Would you like to sign up for the newsletter? You can here. We also would love to  get this newsletter sent out to college departments from which we can draw the next generation of JP students! If you think your alma mater is a good candidate for this, email us at