Current Leadership

Arianna Krinos
Educational Outreach
Arianna Krinos is a student in the MIT-WHOI Joint Program in Biological Oceanography and works with Dr. Mick Follows (MIT) and Dr. Harriet Alexander (WHOI). She is the lead on education efforts within BIG, and is passionate about teaching in both the university and K-12 educational outreach space, an interest which first arose when she learned about and started volunteering in conservation and environmental science education at the Florida Aquarium in Tampa.
In her research, she studies aquatic protists or eukaryotic algae, and how communities of eukaryotic algae assemble and change in aquatic ecosystems. To do this, she employs computational approaches (mainly bioinformatics and data analytics techniques) and laboratory culture work.
Serena Sung-Clarke
Web Manager and Digital Outreach
Serena Sung-Clarke is a first-year Ph.D. student in the MIT-WHOI Joint Program in Biological Oceanography. She works in the Brosnahan lab, studying harmful algal bloom biology and ecology, using a mix of observational data and molecular biological methods.
She believes effective science communication not only inspires public interest in science, but also enables people to care about our planet and make better decisions. Her prior job, working on water quality issues as an EPA contractor, showed her firsthand how important science communication is to public policy and outreach. Serena also enjoys teaching, particularly to younger students.

Adele Anderson
Workshop Coordinator
At WHOI, Adele Anderson helps operate the deployment of acoustically-tracked passive floats to study the deep Indian Ocean. She received her Sc.B. from Brown University in 2017, and credits this to the privilege of the access to great science educators, advocates, and role models. Providing this kind of access to communities beyond WHOI is her motivation for co-leading BIG. Her years working in nonprofit strategy prior to joining WHOI ingrained in her a deep interest in measuring and clarifying impact. As a co-lead of BIG, she also look forwards to coordinating workshops that challenge scientists to dig down into the why of science research.