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About 25 million Americans claim Scottish descent.  In North America, Tartan Day is celebrated on April 6, in honor of the signing of the Declaration of Arbroath on April 6, 1320. This document asserted the independence of the Scottish kingdom. Scottish barons wrote the declaration to the Roman Catholic pope, asking him to recognise Scotland’s…

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April is Arab-American Heritage month, where we celebrate the Middle Eastern and North African heritage of nearly 3.7 million Americans. This designation was made in 2017 and President Biden officially recognized April as Arab-American Heritage month in 2021.   Today, Arabs primarily inhabit the 22 member states of the Arab League. The Arab world stretches…

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Let’s socialize over a delicious meal while taking pride and sharing in the many cultures at WHOI! Please complete this form if you would like to contribute with a dish or with ideas for the event. Link to form

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