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Pulse Survey Results

March 2023

The Pulse Survey utilizes categories to be able to provide a high-level overview of the areas that folks are happy with and those that are in need of improvement.  The category definitions are listed below.  Actual responses will also available.  Responses will be reviewed by the WCC Co-chairs (Sheri N. White & Konrad Hughen), the CPO (Yessica Cancel) and the CDEIO (Natalie Nevárez) to identify specific actions that can be taken to address climate issues.


  • 17 people commented on enjoying working with “talented and dedicated” colleagues and students.
  • 6 people cited department retreats and workshops/meetings, including the Tech Women’s Group and ICES working group.
  • 8 people cited events such as the Geodynamics trip (2), the HR Town Hall (2), AcadeMIA musical (2), Meet the Assistant Scientists (1), and APO Open House (1).

Areas for Improvement

  • 14 people commented on bullying or disrespectful behavior from a supervisor or senior employee, often citing a “toxic work environment”, need for “consequences for bullies”, or “better options for conflict resolution”.
  • 11 people cited the need for higher salaries or support for “unfunded” tasks, such as attending community events, service on committees, etc.
  • 8 people commented on the need to address housing issues, including student and postdoc housing in summer, and housing for staff year-round.
  • 12 people cited the need for improvements to their workload - “slower pace”, “less stress”, “stretched too thin”, “fewer projects all at once”.
  • 11 people mentioned the need for better communication from Sr. Admin.  Concerns were raised that policy changes feel rushed, or that too many things are changing at once.  Staff also need more lead time for large service requests (e.g., Strategic Plan), and feel that bottom-up viewpoints aren’t being incorporated into the planning process.

Category definitions:

  • Community & Culture - the broader WHOI community including climate, events, committees, and broader groups of people one interacts with
  • Colleagues - co-workers with whom you typically interact with, including students, post-docs, admins, etc.
  • Work - projects, workload, and productivity
  • Work-Life Balance - personal moments/activities beyond work
  • WHOI Policy & Leadership - institutional structure, policies, procedures and communications
  • Supervisor/Management - supervisors, managers, and the skill set required
  • Staffing - workforce size, hiring, and retention
  • Compensation - salary and benefits such as vacation time, health insurance
  • Institutional Support - WHOI support groups such as Facilities, IS, HR, Communications and Development
  • Housing - housing either WHOI-owned or within the community and it’s impact
  • Weather - actual environmental weather conditions, which we have no control over, but which impacts us nonetheless