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A Note About Unionization Efforts for WHOI JP Students

The Through the Porthole team acknowledges and supports the efforts of the WHOI Graduate Student Union to form a union that protects all graduate workers. We oppose WHOI’s refusal to recognize graduate student fellows as employees who contribute labor that supports the institution. Graduate student fellows contributed equally to this issue, and all issues, of Through the Porthole, and deserve the same protections as graduate research assistants and graduate teaching assistants.


Alumni Spotlight: Mallory Ringham

Welcome back to the Alumni Spotlight, where we find out where the heck those Joint Program students ran off to. Read on to learn more about how she landed her current position as Lead Oceanographer for a Carbon Dioxide Removal startup!

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When you think about grad school, you might imagine spending hours in the lab, taking classes, and working on a manuscript with your advisor. However, many careers after grad school will require interpersonal and communication skills beyond this. What kind of activities are JP students participating in beyond their research?

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Stories at sea

Emily Burdige, JP Chemical Oceanography Student extraordinaire recounts a voyage on the R/V Atlantis. What is it like to be a sea-going oceanographer? What kind of science gets done on research vessel? And most importantly, how wet will your feet really get?


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