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Alumni Spotlight: Rene Boiteau

What the heck does one do with a PhD in geosciences? Fear not, fellow reader, the world is your oyster when it comes to a career after graduate school. Welcome to the TTP's newest interview series. In the alumni spotlight series, we are focusing on the different paths one can take out of graduate school. Find out what Dr. Rene Boiteau did after earning his PhD in the MIT-WHOI Joint Program, and what it was like to land a job at Oregon State.


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Once you've been admitted to a graduate program, you still have to choose whether or not to go. If you've been admitted to more than one, you've got a decision to make, and it has a lot of variables involved. How do you land in the place you'll be happiest doing work you like? We've tried to disentangle that a bit.


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