Audio Conference: Power of Assertive Communication
Thursday, April 8, 2010
1 - 2 p.m.
Clark 271
Light refreshments served
Assertiveness and confidence are winning attributes of today's leading women professionals. However, many women are reluctant to voice their opinion or ask for want they need, not wanting to be seen as pushy or aggressive. In this 60-minute audio conference you will gain skills to express yourself effectively and to tackle tough situations. Please join us to discuss:
- Ways to express your opinions with confidence and tact
- How you can avoid coming across as overly aggressive – or weak
- Techniques for responding to criticism with poise and professionalism
- 10 golden rules of interacting effectively and clearly with others
- Handling challenges women face when communicating with men
About the Speaker
Pamela Jett is an internationally recognized presenter and author on developing leadership skills and improving workplace relationships. Her background includes:
- Ms. Jett has worked with clientele ranging from the high-tech sector and manufacturing to women's groups and government agencies.
- Pamela has served clients such as Lockheed Martin, Allstate Insurance, Sony, The United Way, NASA, plus many other notable organizations.
- She is the developer of several learning programs including "Communicate with Confidence: A Woman's Guide" and "Mind Your Own Business: A Career Management System."
- Her programs take participants beyond theory to hands-on application for immediate results
Related Files
» Power of Assertive Communication Presentation Materials
(pdf format)